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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Alex on 2008 August 19, 12:14:48

Title: Leaders of the Pack
Post by: Alex on 2008 August 19, 12:14:48
I have antiredundancy and nostrayrespawn in my downloads folder, and yet this happened. Am I missing something or what?


Title: Re: Leaders of the Pack
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 August 19, 13:52:23
No, it's EAxis borkage -- if you're not using clean templates, it comes with two LOtPs out of the box.

Title: Re: Leaders of the Pack
Post by: Alex on 2008 August 19, 14:24:00
Oh I know there's more than one by default, but this is a new one that was actually created right there and then somehow.

I'll take your word on borkage as to why two of them are on the lot at the same time.

Title: Re: Leaders of the Pack
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 August 19, 15:18:54
Yea, it's happened many times in my game that more than one LOtP shows up at the same time.  Are there babies or toddlers on the lot?  That attracts them even more.

Title: Re: Leaders of the Pack
Post by: Alex on 2008 August 19, 18:28:01
Nope, just Alvin the Bigfoot.

Title: Re: Leaders of the Pack
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 August 19, 19:03:46
Ah, maybe they're attracted to him.  I haven't had Bigfoot move into any playable houses yet, so I don't know about that one...

Title: Re: Leaders of the Pack
Post by: Emma on 2008 August 19, 22:27:19
Ah, maybe they're attracted to him.  I haven't had Bigfoot move into any playable houses yet, so I don't know about that one...

It figures. They like smelly stuff like stinky babies and trash piles, so smelly old Bigfoot would be perfect to attract them.