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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: bamwifey on 2008 August 18, 17:12:33

Title: Anyone else STILL can't catch Socialus Butterfly?
Post by: bamwifey on 2008 August 18, 17:12:33
   Ye Gods, this is working my last nerve.  I've installed the second patch for Freetime, and I still can't catch that damn last butterfly.  I've rolled back my sim's age so many times, just to keep him searching day and night, and  Anyone care to comment?

Title: Re: Anyone else STILL can't catch Socialus Butterfly?
Post by: Emma on 2008 August 18, 17:14:12
I am pretty sure my sim completed her butterfly collection when I installed the latest patch, but don't still have the neighbourhood she lived in or a screenshot to prove it. So it is all lies. Sorry.

Title: Re: Anyone else STILL can't catch Socialus Butterfly?
Post by: Millie on 2008 August 18, 17:16:29
Do you actually get a reward for completing the collection?

I got sick of being chased by bees, and gave up.

Title: Re: Anyone else STILL can't catch Socialus Butterfly?
Post by: Emma on 2008 August 18, 17:23:17
No reward. I'm not sure if she got the memory either...forgot to look :D Sorry, I am no help at all today!

[edit] She was in the hobby lot, Peerless Park, when she got the last one, maybe that is where you have to catch it?

Title: Re: Anyone else STILL can't catch Socialus Butterfly?
Post by: Liz on 2008 August 23, 18:17:39
I have a sim working his chronically beestung arse off to complete his collection before he kicks it (for no reason, really, other than to satisfy the Imp of Completeness), but this thread seems to suggest I need to slap Patch #2 on before that's going to happen. Am I reading that correctly?

Title: Re: Anyone else STILL can't catch Socialus Butterfly?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 August 23, 22:20:49
Yes. Last butterfly is unfindable without the patch.

Title: Re: Anyone else STILL can't catch Socialus Butterfly?
Post by: Liz on 2008 August 24, 04:07:27
Well, frick. Now I get to decide which I'd rather do: patchination or suffer the wrath of the Imp of Completeness. It's a close call. Meh, in the meantime I guess I'll let ol' Ethan kick it. Hula time!

Title: Re: Anyone else STILL can't catch Socialus Butterfly?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 August 24, 07:46:18
We officially support p3 now, so it's not a big deal to patch at this point.

Title: Re: Anyone else STILL can't catch Socialus Butterfly?
Post by: Liz on 2008 August 28, 21:19:17
Just now made it back into near-expiry elder's lot, and even though I could *swear* I only patched with the first one (the one that was yoinked from the official site after people who'd created custom clothing couldn't use it), Socialus is already in his bug box. Actually, all butterflies are there; he has one beetle and two spiders to go before the hula can begin. Is is Socialus specifically that can't be found without patch 2, whichever butterfly is last to be found, or the last bug overall? Alternately, was I just shrooming when I installed patch 2 and didn't notice it? Does the presence of Socialus prove V2 patch-ination?

Title: Re: Anyone else STILL can't catch Socialus Butterfly?
Post by: geekgirl on 2008 August 29, 00:40:36
It was Socialus, it was fixed in p1, some sims just have bad luck finding their last (whatever bug).