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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Annan on 2008 August 17, 12:51:47

Title: Userstartup cheat wonky
Post by: Annan on 2008 August 17, 12:51:47
I created a userstartup.cheat file as per instructions, to increase the limit of sims on a lot. This is the only thing the file contains:

uintProp maxTotalSims 15
uintprop maxTotalHumans 10
uintprop maxTotalPets 5

The problem is that one lot with 7 sims and 3 pets refuses to let the sims try for baby. I previously had 7 sims and 5 pets, but carted two of the dogs off to the adoption pool, thinking that would help. It didn't. Forcing pregancy with the Tombstone of L&D does nothing. On another lot, I have 9 sims (no pets), which means that it should be working, yes? I am thoroughly confused, here. Am I doing it wrong?

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat wonky
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 August 17, 13:00:17
What happens if you replace all the numbers with "15"?

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat wonky
Post by: Annan on 2008 August 17, 13:30:40
What happens if you replace all the numbers with "15"?

Still no option to try for baby.

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat wonky
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 August 17, 14:29:28
I thought those settings only affected moving sims/pets into the lot, and that you still need something like lotfulofsims to have more than the default born on the lot.

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat wonky
Post by: Annan on 2008 August 17, 14:39:54
I thought those settings only affected moving sims/pets into the lot, and that you still need something like lotfulofsims to have more than the default born on the lot.

I don't know - I read this post by Nec,,11232.msg317016.html#msg317016 (,11232.msg317016.html#msg317016) and assumed she was right.

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat wonky
Post by: Skadi on 2008 August 19, 02:50:17
That cheat only allows you to merge above the 8 sim limit in the neighbourhood view. To have babies or puppies/kittens you will need lotfullofsims. That's how I do it in my game.