More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: lefty on 2008 August 16, 05:05:28

Title: Error when interacting with other sims.
Post by: lefty on 2008 August 16, 05:05:28
I just made a brand new hood, with all the clean templates. I had my female sim invite a male over for a date, and since I have ACR in they went for autonomyous woohoo. The makeout interaction worked fine, but when they went to actually woohoo they jumped, and I got error messages for both sims. Reseting them did not work, and I was forced to delete them so i had to quit to the neighborhood. I reloaded the lot and tried to invite him over again and the same thing happened. I exited, moved her out, made a new lot, and tried again, same thing. I then tried to invite a different sim out a on date, and the same thing happened . I have all expansions, none of the extra packs.

I've attached two logs, the one with the initial error and the last log I received when I attempted to ask another sim out. I have no idea how to read logs, so hopefully one of you all can help me find out how to fix this, as I really don't want to have to start the hood all over again. Thanks!

Hacks in my game:
Pescado's Director Cut, minus a one or two I didn't want.

Twojeff stuff:

Inges Teleportershrub and plus

Crammyboy: Communitytime, Cboy_nudist, cboy_cock

syberpunks quietpregnancy

simwardrobe's fish and produce packing station

Title: Re: Error when interacting with other sims.
Post by: lefty on 2008 August 16, 06:19:01
Fiddling around a bit more I removed my hack folder and tried again with more errors. I attempted to "call - ask on date" three different sims, I got the errors on two of them (Townies) but on a third, a playable, I had no trouble. Attached log in case it helps any.

Title: Re: Error when interacting with other sims.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 August 16, 10:56:42
Your code does not match Standard Romancemod. It looks like some kind of unholy hybrid of EAxian and non-Awesome. So once again, I point the blame squarely at tight pants.

Title: Re: Error when interacting with other sims.
Post by: Inge on 2008 August 16, 11:02:34
Quite a few "illogical" hacks too ;)

Title: Re: Error when interacting with other sims.
Post by: Roux on 2008 August 16, 12:26:15
Do you have any custom beds?

Title: Re: Error when interacting with other sims.
Post by: lefty on 2008 August 16, 14:53:06
edit: figured it out, there was one hack in an zip archive that I wanted that dealt with leftover food, and I extracted the entire thing to my downloads instead of pulling the one hack I wanted. The thing was so packed full of romance/jealousy mods I'm surprised my other sims didn't randomly mess up too.

Removing it didn't help my sim with her interactions, so I killed her off after backing up just in case. All the Townies she was interacting with who were having errors are fine now, and nothing else seems wrong.

Thanks for deciphering the logs, I thought I only had the hacks I listed!