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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Emma on 2008 August 13, 10:46:32

Title: Making friends freezage.
Post by: Emma on 2008 August 13, 10:46:32
Whenever my sims make friends with another sim, whether face-to-face or over the phone, just before they actually make friends the game freezes for up to a minute. Is anyone else experiencing this? I have no idea what has caused this. I have all updated haxxors and stuff.

Title: Re: Making friends freezage.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 August 13, 10:47:27
Cannot reproduce issue. Attribute problem to suckiness of Emma. Death to Emma.

Title: Re: Making friends freezage.
Post by: Emma on 2008 August 13, 10:51:04
The only other 2 things I have added to the game apart from DC is Sim Blender and Argon's Townie brick. I will try taking those out and go complain to the makers if it is one of them.

Title: Re: Making friends freezage.
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 August 13, 14:03:10
Probably not the sim blender, since I have that in my game and haven't seen this problem.

Title: Re: Making friends freezage.
Post by: jolrei on 2008 August 13, 14:09:46
I have neither of those, and have not seen this.  Unhelpful and dull, I know.

Title: Re: Making friends freezage...AND Loadlot cheat.
Post by: Emma on 2008 August 13, 14:19:41
Yeah, I think it could be the brick. Thing is, I can't be arsed to investigate at the moment. I'll take it out and load my game later and see if I get the same problem. Cheers J and J :D

Oh, btw how do you get the loadlot cheat to work? I really am quite unsuccessful with my game at the moment. Boohoo.

Title: Re: Making friends freezage...AND Loadlot cheat.
Post by: jolrei on 2008 August 13, 14:56:24
Yeah, I think it could be the brick. Thing is, I can't be arsed to investigate at the moment. I'll take it out and load my game later and see if I get the same problem. Cheers J and J :D

Oh, btw how do you get the loadlot cheat to work? I really am quite unsuccessful with my game at the moment. Boohoo.

Never used that one myself.  Here's what I've found (and you may have seen it already):
I believe the proper format is:  loadlot "lot name" If there are spaces in the lot name, they need to be included, I think...the cheat still worked on a regular community lot, and it also worked on a hidden secret hobby lot.

My extremely cursory research suggests that a number of people seem to have had some trouble with this cheat.

Title: Re: Making friends freezage.
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 August 13, 15:36:50
I couldn't get it to load secret hobby lots or lots in a different subhood from which I was actually in at the time. Otherwise, no issues.

Title: Re: Making friends freezage.
Post by: Emma on 2008 August 13, 15:46:42
Cheers both. I'll try it out later. :)

Title: Re: Making friends freezage.
Post by: Jelenedra on 2008 August 13, 16:12:22
I don't use the townie brick, myself, I use Inge's teleport and the townie gun to fuss with my townies. Seems easier that way.

Title: Re: Making friends freezage.
Post by: Emma on 2008 August 13, 16:17:20
It might not be the brick yet :D I still have to test.

[edit] It isn't the brick.

Title: Re: Making friends freezage.
Post by: Roux on 2008 August 14, 13:19:28
Oh, btw how do you get the loadlot cheat to work? I really am quite unsuccessful with my game at the moment. Boohoo.

Never used that one myself.  Here's what I've found (and you may have seen it already):
I believe the proper format is:  loadlot "lot name" If there are spaces in the lot name, they need to be included, I think...the cheat still worked on a regular community lot, and it also worked on a hidden secret hobby lot.

My extremely cursory research suggests that a number of people seem to have had some trouble with this cheat.

I couldn't get it to load secret hobby lots or lots in a different subhood from which I was actually in at the time. Otherwise, no issues.

Yeah, it's a little tricky. You have to be in the proper 'hood or subhood in which the lot is located. To loadlot the Bigfoot lot, you first have to load Three Lakes. For the hobby lots, you have to first make that hood available as a Downtown using SimPE, and then load the Hobby subhood in the game.

I am slowly completing the tedious process of swapping out my old LS build stuff for Argon's new extractions, so I loadlotted my owned business lots to get them transferred to the new textures. Doesn't seem fair to make the owners pay for it, when it's a 1:1 swap. :)

Title: Re: Making friends freezage.
Post by: Emma on 2008 August 14, 22:48:47
Yeah, I got the loadlot to work, thanks. :)

Oh BTW, dumb Emma is dumb. I know why it is freezing on certain sims, it is because it is a fairly new hood with playables and townies already included. I have default skins and makeup. The thumbnails are updating with the new skins and stuff. Hence...freezage. Doh.