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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Simsbaby on 2008 August 12, 20:30:33

Title: Textures Blurring Up When Playing *Solved*
Post by: Simsbaby on 2008 August 12, 20:30:33
First of I should mention that my graphics card is Nvidia 8600GT with 256MB of memory. I know there are a lot of issues with TS2 and Nvidia cards, so that could be what's causing it. When I first load a lot the textures look sharp and crisp, and everything looks all nice. after playing awhile though the textures will start to blur and it looks all muddy. I don't know what started this, but it looks really ugly. The settings are all on high, except smooth edges, which is off.  I'm not playing with a lot of custom content, or on a very large lot either. Has anyone else had this happen to them? It's kind of annoying, because I swear I don't remember this happening before with this card,  and it should be more than powerful enough for TS2.

Title: Re: Textures Blurring Up When Playing
Post by: nekonoai on 2008 August 12, 20:36:46
I have the same card, and I can't say I've noticed this. I will keep a look out, though.

Title: Re: Textures Blurring Up When Playing
Post by: toad in the hole on 2008 August 12, 21:23:40
Whew, I'm logged in after ages of absence 'cause I cannot ignore a fellow sufferer.
After years of playing with an Nvidia Geforce FX card (and in-game graphics blurry as hell) I can only tell you that there are far too many variables in this mess to determine the actual issue easily:
Driver version, driver settings, game graphics settings, you name it.
It's not enough that every computer is different: It seems that any new driver installation behaves differently, not to mention the settings of said driver.
Nevertheless, I found this at MTS2:
<a href="">
Use with caution, because the newer EPs are not regarded in this article! You could end up with a nasty triangular/spikey mess in-game.

The moral might be that an Nvidia card is very likely not be the best solution for your game in the long run.

Title: Re: Textures Blurring Up When Playing
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 August 13, 01:36:02
Try turning off your anti-alias blurring. AA makes everything blurry.

Title: Re: Textures Blurring Up When Playing
Post by: Simsbaby on 2008 August 13, 01:46:34
Thanks Toad in the Hole. :) That helped, but it just takes longer for the texture to start getting blurry. I don't have anti-aliasing on Pescado, so that's not the cause of it.

Title: Re: Textures Blurring Up When Playing
Post by: Alex on 2008 August 13, 09:30:48
This has happened to me before. After awhile, things start going blurry and horrible. Usually it's caused by alt-tabbing in and out of the program. Sometimes it just happens on it's own, but I don't know what causes it.

Title: Re: Textures Blurring Up When Playing
Post by: toad in the hole on 2008 August 13, 15:19:47
Maybe Nvidia cards generally have a problem with processing and displaying more complex textures, and there is pretty little you can do about it.
I found out that whenever the size (zoom) of a texture changes or a sim spins to change clothes, the lawn for example gets completely blurry.
It was so annoying that after two years I finally gave in and got myself another graphics card.

Title: Re: Textures Blurring Up When Playing
Post by: Simsbaby on 2008 August 13, 21:50:11
Hey. I managed to fix my problem by getting different drivers, so it's good now. :) Thanks for the help.