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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: JacquiES on 2008 August 04, 02:39:48

Title: Sims are getting stuck in hammock
Post by: JacquiES on 2008 August 04, 02:39:48
Lately my sims have been getting stuck in hammocks while on vacation.  They begin to read and then when another action appears, (for instance- leaving or checking out) the book disappears and they are stuck there unless I exit the lot and reload it.  I was wondering if this was a known issue or if anyone else has this problem.  I just would like my sims not to die if I don't notice they are in the hammock.  Well most of them that is.   ;)   Thanks.

Title: Re: Sims are getting stuck in hammock
Post by: Millie on 2008 August 04, 10:26:09
Hi JacquiES

I have this problem on occasion. I have all EPs and stuff packs except IKEA. My sims have used the hammocks at home, with no problems, so it does seem to be a vacation lot problem. Hacks I have in place are Pescados Directors cut, ACR, and a set of Risky woohoo hacks. I'm not sure where I got these from but they look like this SS_RiskyWoohooInBed.package. Any of these similar to what you've got in?

Title: Re: Sims are getting stuck in hammock
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 August 04, 14:02:57
I've seen that problem recently, too -- seems to have cropped up since FTp3.  I saw it when a sim was reading in a hammock and I tried to get her husband there for a quicky (she had a public woohoo want).  Queued up the woohoo, and she put the book away and they both ended up stuck -- her in the hammock and him standing next to it.  I could only clear them by forcing an error on her, and then having them start the woohoo interaction as soon as she got back into the hammock. 

And it was on a community lot, and no, I don't have any of Ste's Risky Woohoo hacks in my game.

Title: Re: Sims are getting stuck in hammock
Post by: buddha pest on 2008 August 04, 19:25:11
I've recently been having it happen on a home lot.

I only have up to FTp2.

Title: Re: Sims are getting stuck in hammock
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 August 04, 21:33:37
FTp2 and FTp3 are essentially the same patch; I think the only big difference is that 3 adds support for the EA Store.

Title: Re: Sims are getting stuck in hammock
Post by: JacquiES on 2008 August 05, 01:13:43
Sorry for totally bailing on my own thread but its been a hectic day.  Anyway, I have not installed any of the patches for Free Time I just use the director's cut from here and a few of TJ's hacks as well.  No risky woohoo or acr.  I guess I could just force an error I just sometimes don't notice until they are completely in the red.  I do a really good job with some of my sims.  ::)