More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Li'l Brudder on 2008 July 31, 05:40:05

Title: Some Sort of CAS Error
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2008 July 31, 05:40:05
This error happened when I loaded up CAS and tried to make a sim.  I hit reset and then it popped back up, then then hitting reset would constantly spawn it.  So then, I hit delete, and CAS dies.

Running p3 FT, Pets, Seasons, OFB, NL.

ETA: Currently determined that it is some awesomeware that is erroring.  Check this space to find out which!

Title: Re: Some Sort of CAS Error
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 July 31, 06:09:12
This error doesn't match anything I've ever seen. Once again, I point the blame squarely at tight pants.

Title: Re: Some Sort of CAS Error
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2008 July 31, 06:13:02
Well, it's probably a Uni or BV hack I didn't properly filter from the DC.

Title: Re: Some Sort of CAS Error
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 July 31, 12:17:29
You can't get CAS errors from Awesomeware because no Awesomeware modifies CAS. This is the work of the non-Awesome.