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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Lerf on 2008 July 29, 15:17:34

Title: This one's weird
Post by: Lerf on 2008 July 29, 15:17:34
OK, I've had the leftovers-disappearing-when-taken-out-of-Fridge bug before--usually on fridges installed before putting in a new EP or patch or global hack.  And either buying  a new fridge or boolproping doing a force error takes care of it, but this one doesn't go away.

The game appears to have declared war on leftover spaghetti, and ONLY leftover spaghetti.  I can put omlettes, burgers, pancakes, or anything else in the fridge--no problem.  And about half the time if I put spaghetti leftovers in someone's inventory it goes bad right away.

It's petty, but really annoying since I've just started a new neighborhood and some of these Sims can't afford to grocery shop very often...

Title: Re: This one's weird
Post by: MajorMercedes on 2008 July 29, 15:23:36
It's probably tight pants.

Why not just have them make something besides Spaghetti?

Title: Re: This one's weird
Post by: Lerf on 2008 July 29, 15:45:55
These are mostly starting characters and spaghetti is one of the first things they can cook.  Besides it's filling and I like it.

HCDU shows no conflicts except for something about wfsanity and TwoJeffs nopersonalelectronicswants--and that's always there.

I do not use either Insiminator of the Kitten Killer.

Title: Re: This one's weird
Post by: jolrei on 2008 July 29, 17:13:28
Just a thought - you might try removing the Twojeffs hack just to see what happens.

Otherwise, do you have any custom fridges that might be doing this?

Title: Re: This one's weird
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 July 29, 17:16:30
Make sure you have the latest versions for your highest EP of all your hacks and mods (IOW, make sure you don't have tight pants :) ).

Title: Re: This one's weird
Post by: Lerf on 2008 July 31, 21:44:45
Whatever it was it's stopped now.  I updated all hacks that weren't up-to-date.  I guess that fixed it.  Either that or Mercury stopped being retrograde.