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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Count Four on 2008 July 27, 17:52:34

Title: Uni Buy Mode screw up
Post by: Count Four on 2008 July 27, 17:52:34
In Buy Mode, occasionally, the icons for different categories disappear. This has ONLY happened in Uni, never in the main hood, and only Buy mode.  Build Mode, accessed with the dorm tools cheat, has never done this.

I go to Buy Mode, pffft, no icons on the top tab (Surfaces, Decorative, etc.).  I can still use the Buy Mode catalogue through the Rooms (is that what it's called?) tab, so it's no huge handicap.  The problem corrects simply by exiting to the neighborhood and reentering the lot, with or without save.

It doesn't screw up anything else. I'm just curious what might cause this.

Title: Re: Uni Buy Mode screw up
Post by: Annan on 2008 July 27, 17:55:19
That can happen if you eyedrop something that is in multiple categories (like Bathroom Uses You TP). The solution is to eyedrop something that is only in one category. I don't think it has anything to do with Uni.

Title: Re: Uni Buy Mode screw up
Post by: Count Four on 2008 July 27, 18:00:11
I'll keep an eye out for that.  I've only seen it in Uni, though, knock wood. It's annoying.

Title: Re: Uni Buy Mode screw up
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 July 27, 18:20:41
It's not Uni Specific, it happens anytime you eyedropper a multicategory item, every time. Just eyedropper something else and it goes away.

Title: Re: Uni Buy Mode screw up
Post by: talysman on 2008 July 27, 19:10:17
I think pressing Escape will work, too.