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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: spambi on 2008 July 26, 16:12:36

Title: Woohoo in photobooth bug
Post by: spambi on 2008 July 26, 16:12:36
My Sims jump out of the photobooth when they try to woohoo in it. I've only tried this in downtown lots. I don't know if this is related, but they also jump out of woohooing in a car, and then disappear leaving only their plumbobs. I have Free Time no-CD for the latest patch. I have the latest versions of risky woohoo and ACR. I can't think of any other woohoo-related mods that I have.

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Title: Re: Woohoo in photobooth bug
Post by: Emma on 2008 July 26, 16:14:25
If you have ACR installed you don't need Risky Woohoo. Take that out and try again.

Title: Re: Woohoo in photobooth bug
Post by: jolrei on 2008 July 26, 16:21:46
Concur with Emma - take out risky woohoo and test.  This bug is not happening in my game with ACR loaded, and my sims are as risky (or is that "risque") as they come.

Title: Re: Woohoo in photobooth bug
Post by: spambi on 2008 July 26, 17:51:18
I'll try taking out Risky Woohoo to see if that helps. I wasn't sure if the ACR risky pregnancy chance applied only to ACR interactions or to all woohoo interactions, so I left both in.

Title: Re: Woohoo in photobooth bug
Post by: Emma on 2008 July 27, 09:31:03
It applies to all if you configure it right. Read the documentation and it tells you how.

Title: Re: Woohoo in photobooth bug
Post by: spambi on 2008 July 27, 20:26:54
Taking out risky woohoo helped. I think. I haven't recreated the exact circumstances of the first crash.

I reread the ACR stuff on risky pregnancy. It doesn't say whether it applies to all woohoos or just ACR ones, but I'll take your word that it's all. I wanted higher odds than the default, though, and I didn't want to have to set it on every community lot, which is why I think I kept Risky Woohoo in.

Title: Re: Woohoo in photobooth bug
Post by: jolrei on 2008 July 28, 02:55:11
ALL pregnancies in Matysdoorp have been the result of ACR woohoo.  I don't bother with the whole relax/makeout/woohoo/try for baby thing anymore.  If sims want woohoo, I trigger it through ACR "casual woohoo" selection.

Title: Re: Woohoo in photobooth bug
Post by: Emma on 2008 July 28, 06:00:02
ALL pregnancies in Matysdoorp have been the result of ACR woohoo.  I don't bother with the whole relax/makeout/woohoo/try for baby thing anymore.  If sims want woohoo, I trigger it through ACR "casual woohoo" selection.

Same here. So much easier.