More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: baratron on 2005 November 02, 01:55:07

Title: New story up!
Post by: baratron on 2005 November 02, 01:55:07
I'm not sure if this is FanFic or FanArt, but here's a silly story about the band Freezepop (

Chapter 1 of the story, "Science Genius Girl", is online in two places:
1. On livejournal ( Has the advantage that you get to see the pictures full size straightaway, but the disadvantage that you have to keep clicking "next" at the side to go to the next slide. And lj is significantly less laggy than...

2. At the Sims 2 Exchange ( Has the disadvantage that you need to click on the pictures to see them full size, but easier navigation. And, if you have an EA user account, you get to rate my story with lots of stars :).
As I could not have done this alone, the artists & modders who helped are listed in Credits ( Special thanks are due to Ren of the Gay Sims Club 2, who made the Freezepop sims for me, and put up with a flurry of emails including such gems as "The SimDuke's nose is too big!". I'm impressed by anyone who can work on a project with me and not go insane :). I'm already having ideas for minor tweaks that can be done to SimFreezepop to make them even more realistic, including silver nail polish for the boys, a better hair mesh for the Duke, and Liz's beauty spot... More Chapters of this story will follow... sometime.

Outtakes & Bloopers ( has some shots which I personally found funny, but which didn't fit into the story. My favourite is probably this one ( (Poor SimSean. That must've hurt!)

Please comment if you enjoy the story ;) And rate it at the Exchange, if you read it there :). Thanks!

Title: Re: New story up!
Post by: reggikko on 2005 November 02, 05:48:34
I enjoyed it. It should make for an interesting series. I kept think it would be cool as a music video.  ;D

Edited for dumb typo.

Title: Re: New story up!
Post by: rohina on 2005 November 02, 07:48:13
I was amused. Amused and terrified. Loved and feared the cloning technology. Also, the hot pink bedroom rocked.

Title: Re: New story up!
Post by: witch on 2005 November 02, 08:00:43
Good story. Does Sean1 meet Sean2? I liked the underground lab twist, I thought at first it was vampires. I thought when she picked the 'thread' off Sean, that she was going to sneak in a vampire bite. I also enjoyed the rationalisation of the different sim objects that were used to create the clone.

As a builder, I really liked the colour schemes in the bathroom and the lab, but I'm not one for pink. Not even hot pink. Oh well, at least you didn't make her wear reading glasses. The sunnies are pretty cool.

cheers for sharing, I'm looking forward to the next episode.

Title: Re: New story up!
Post by: baratron on 2005 November 02, 20:49:06
I enjoyed it. It should make for an interesting series. I kept think it would be cool as a music video.  ;D

Don't talk about music videos! ;D I have this horrible feeling that once certain members of the Freezepop fan community find out you can make videos in TS2, they'll be pestering me to do that. And I haven't the first idea how! I mean, I know exactly how the video for the song I'm thinking of should go and even how to get most of it set up in the game, but the whole business of getting it timed to the music properly... eurgh. Not really my strong point...

Hot pink is a little unavoidable with Freezepop, it's one of "their" colours. Also the bright blue that covers the main room wall, the bright orange of the bathroom, and neon green. The real-life Liz has a pink streak in her hair, and the main criticism I've had from people is that LizSim doesn't have one. :P, I say.

I have been ordered by The Duke to write more of the story (squee!), so more of it will come into existence shortly. And yes, Sean 1 will meet Sean 2, and it will be... interesting and educational for all concerned :P.

Title: Re: New story up!
Post by: rohina on 2005 November 02, 22:50:39
Does that mean there will be ... smut? I hope so.

Title: Re: New story up!
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 November 03, 09:17:54
wow, what an interesting and cute story, well done!

Title: Re: New story up!
Post by: ari_ on 2005 November 03, 15:25:31
why don't you write the entry as a post to your LJ (or even a specifically created LJ)? That way, all pics load at once, and your readers can just scroll down.

(and you can post the link at the thesims2 community...)

Title: Re: New story up!
Post by: bluecatvon on 2005 November 03, 18:50:46
i love your stories! i'm still pining for Max and Mitch haha!
you amaze me..the clothes and hairstyles and furniture and house are incredible! you've must have a pretty bloated downloads folder huh? and how do you make the baby or The Other Sean float in the...water tank? question marks all over my head

Title: Re: New story up!
Post by: baratron on 2005 November 04, 04:33:50
Does that mean there will be ... smut? I hope so.

EEEEK!! Well, currently, the two Seans are set as siblings in my game, so I think the answer is no. But it's easy enough to uncheck that box :).

Seriously, a lot depends on what the real Sean thinks about it. He's the only one of them who hasn't read the story yet. Or if he has, he hasn't said anything to me about it. I think he's off touring with one of his many other bands at the moment, so who knows when he'll look at a computer?

why don't you write the entry as a post to your LJ (or even a specifically created LJ)? That way, all pics load at once, and your readers can just scroll down.

(and you can post the link at the thesims2 community...)

Huh, I didn't think of that. Good idea.

i love your stories! i'm still pining for Max and Mitch haha!
you amaze me..the clothes and hairstyles and furniture and house are incredible! you've must have a pretty bloated downloads folder huh? and how do you make the baby or The Other Sean float in the...water tank? question marks all over my head

Sorry about Mitch & Max - I've been waiting on Nightlife before I could write the next chapter! And I wasn't going to get Nightlife on principle until the standalone Uni patch was released, and then I figured I should wait until JMP's "6-8 weeks" were up. But I finally caved in and bought it today. I'm posting here to take a break from my "Go into every single playable house in all 3 inhabited Neighbourhoods & both Universities and ensure that a) all sims are at home, b) all NPCs & visitors are off the lot, c) no one is using the remote controlled car, cellphone, or handheld." thing, which has taken me the last 3 hours  ::).

Actually, I'm very selective about Downloads - mindful of sites' bandwidth, if I see something I like, I bookmark it rather than downloading right away. I only download the objects if I still really like them the second time I go to the site. I have a mere 140 MB in Downloads + SavedSims.

Title: Re: New story up!
Post by: virgali on 2005 November 04, 06:02:00
I loved the story, nice details! ;D

Title: Re: New story up!
Post by: bluecatvon on 2005 November 05, 14:47:08
cool! just to let you know, i'll be stalking around your stories :D i'll pounce on them the 1st minute i see them

Title: Re: New story up!
Post by: baratron on 2005 November 05, 23:07:21
Alright, I've made a journal for my Sims 2 stories, so you can bookmark: (

Any future stories will be posted there, in the journal post style that ari_ suggested. I've converted one of the older stories, but it's quite a lot of hassle, and I want to actually play the game tonight :D.

I'll still post here when there's a proper update - probably in the Peasantry forum, as that seems more appropriate. (As me saying "check out my cool new story" is not a question!). But anyone who's on livejournal already can add that journal as a friend if they want to get the scoop as it happens. Some of the "outtakes" and sneak previews will only be posted there.