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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: socurious on 2008 July 14, 22:26:41

Title: Neighborhoods won't load after installing Ikea
Post by: socurious on 2008 July 14, 22:26:41
For some inexplicable (to me anyway) reason, my neighborhoods won't load.  The game loads beautifully, but when I try to enter any neighborhood, they go through the loading process and stall.  I deleted the neighborhood manager package, and still none will load, even in a vanilla game.  This is redunkulous!  Any ideas?

Title: Re: Neighborhoods won't load after installing Ikea
Post by: sloppyhousewife on 2008 July 15, 10:12:28
Are you sure that the neighborhoods won't load? How long have you been waiting? I'm asking because after installing IKEA, *my* hoods took so ridiculously long to load (~5 min, whereas usually, it's ~30 seconds) that I was sure that something had been broken. That happened only once though (but you have to wait for the first loading process to complete), now everything's back to normal.

Title: Re: Neighborhoods won't load after installing Ikea
Post by: socurious on 2008 July 15, 23:39:30
Ahh that could be it!  The initial startup of the game takes only about 3 minutes so when I start to load a neighborhood and it takes in excess of 20 minutes, I assumed it was freezing.  ::)   I think that's an incredibly long time.  I did manage to get Strangetown and Pleasantview to load, so you are probably right.  ;)

Thanks for the heads up!