More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: sloppyhousewife on 2008 July 12, 14:06:09

Title: Pottery Wheel Broken?
Post by: sloppyhousewife on 2008 July 12, 14:06:09
Does anyone have an idea what might cause the following problem (error log attached)?

Sims cannot finish pottery projects ("make one..." as well as "make many..."). They to the "ta daa" animation, the object goes "poof", and error. Resetting deletes the finished plate, and the pottery wheel only has the "continue" option (impossible to perform, as the action drops out of the queue immediately). I tried different lots/neighborhoods and did a binary search, but the problem persists. It worked fine with FTp0, by the way.

I have all EPs, all SPs, Patch 3 + matching NoCD (.161)

Title: Re: Pottery Wheel Broken?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 July 15, 10:30:19
You appear to have some kind of wonky override in the crafting globals. I don't know of anything Awesome which does that, so once again, I point the blame squarely at tight pants.

Title: Re: Pottery Wheel Broken? SOLVED
Post by: sloppyhousewife on 2008 July 15, 11:06:25
Hm, that's interesting, because in that case, a binary search should have shown some result. Guess I'll just try again.

Edit: Yep, tight pants. Pottery wheel is working again.