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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: JuliWolfe on 2008 July 08, 01:43:12

Title: TS2 Store Edition
Post by: JuliWolfe on 2008 July 08, 01:43:12
Is anyone else have issues with it? It took over my EA Download Manager and now the rest of my EADM games are missing which sucks because I was wanting to reinstall everything. Would it cause a BFBVFS if I were to uninstall it?

Title: Re: TS2 Store Edition
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 July 08, 03:15:35
No, it won't kill your game to uninstall it. I hope you are enjoying your SecuROM infection. If not, read the stickied thread regarding removal.

All Sims2Store items are available in the Peasantry.

Title: Re: TS2 Store Edition
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 July 08, 13:11:04
Also, the EA Download Manager does store copies of what you downloaded locally, usually, so you may be able to find the other stuff that way. They're a couple of levels down in a directory called 'Program File' (if memory serves --- I'm not at my home computer right now) that's right off the root of your C: drive.  Poke around in there and you may find them.