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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: simmerphi on 2008 June 25, 12:36:28

Title: No F001 hood
Post by: simmerphi on 2008 June 25, 12:36:28
I am in the process of doing a full reinstall of my game and adding FT to the mix.  I have all EPs and 3 SP.  I though everything was going smoothly until I started adding the empty templates I got here.  That's when I noticed that I don't have the F001 file in my neighborhood folder,(C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Neighborhoods).  The F002 file is in C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 FreeTime\TSData\Res\NeighborhoodTemplate\F002.
Does this mean that my install disc is defective?
Should I take it back to the store and get a new one or is there a way to extract the F001 folder from the disc and insert it into the game? 
Also, if I ever get it installed correctly, can I play the game with only the 1st patch so I can use the current no-cd crack?


Title: Re: No F001 hood
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 June 25, 13:58:32
Um, you don't put the empty templates in your My Docs directory -- you put them in the Program Files directories, under their respective game '...\TSDATA\Res\Neighborhoodtemplate' folders.  The game creates the default My Docs Neighborhoods stuff the first time you run it.

Title: Re: No F001 hood
Post by: simmerphi on 2008 June 25, 14:27:41
Um, you don't put the empty templates in your My Docs directory -- you put them in the Program Files directories, under their respective game '...\TSDATA\Res\Neighborhoodtemplate' folders.  The game creates the default My Docs Neighborhoods stuff the first time you run it.

I am putting the empty templates in the right place.

  I should have been clearer that it was when I set up my Downloads folder that I looked in the My Docs Neighborhoods folder and noticed that all the others, N001.... etc, where in there but not F001. I haven't played the game at all yet so I didn't expect to see them. 

So were they generated by adding the next EP since I haven't run the game at all yet?

Title: Re: No F001 hood
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 June 25, 15:53:27
Perhaps adding later EPs did generate the earlier hoods.  But start up the game, and you should see all the hoods there when you leave.