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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: jennydeenyc on 2008 June 24, 08:46:45

Title: make beds dropping out of queue?
Post by: jennydeenyc on 2008 June 24, 08:46:45
Noticed another new glitch with my game that wasn't there before the installation of Pets/BV/FT. Sims & Servos (not NPC maids) that queue up the action to "make bed" either autonomously or through a Macro...Clean or Power Idle command will walk all the way to the bed in question and then the action will fall out of the queue. The only way to ensure a bed actually gets made is to manually command a Sim or Servo to do it. I wouldn't mind so much except that my sims waste half their day deciding to make the beds and then walking from unmade bed to unmade bed before the autonomous or macro-induced command falls out of queue.

Title: Re: make beds dropping out of queue?
Post by: Gwill on 2008 June 24, 09:15:40
No error or anything?

Title: Re: make beds dropping out of queue?
Post by: jennydeenyc on 2008 June 24, 09:37:24
Well, I don't play in debug mode, so I don't know if an error is being generated, but I don't notice any kind of sim reset jump when it happens.

Title: Re: make beds dropping out of queue?
Post by: nekonoai on 2008 June 24, 13:33:09
there is a hack that will abort bed making. you has it?

Title: Re: make beds dropping out of queue?
Post by: jennydeenyc on 2008 June 24, 21:21:58
I've had abortbedmaking for a loooong time, and it's never caused this behavior. AFAIK, all it does is allow you to cancel the "make bed" action if it gets queued up, but it never actually prevented a sim from making the bed if I let the action stay in their queue, at least, not in my game. I also have "bed nazi" set to off on all my sleepclocks, so that sims that attempt to make beds that aren't their own don't get rerouted all the way out the front door.

Title: Re: make beds dropping out of queue?
Post by: Alexx on 2008 June 24, 21:33:13
Are you have FT patch#2?
If you have patch#2 installed this is post patch new EAxian bug which appeared after their bed side "fix".Use Pescado's bedsidefix to
fix it.

Title: Re: make beds dropping out of queue?
Post by: jennydeenyc on 2008 June 24, 21:56:22
No, I only have the first FT patch because I arred that EP and need to use the no-cd crack.