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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: edalbformat on 2008 June 24, 08:36:20

Title: Chance Cards Not Wanted
Post by: edalbformat on 2008 June 24, 08:36:20
Many years ago I downloaded a mod made by someone named Dizzy2 who nuked Chance Cards so that the dialog didn't appear at all in the game. I'm needing a version that works with the last EP (FreeTime).
Those dialogs stop the game waiting for user input and I don't like them at all.  I run a game for testing and simply leave it running while I work with SimPe in another computer.
The telephone calls fall out of the queue and gives automatically No as answer but those Chance Cards can give random results that can even cause a Sim to die.
I managed to extract the whole Chance Cards Dialog and nuked the possibility of a Chance Card choice but it still does not avoid that the dialog is pulled.
Any help is appreciated.

Title: Re: Chance Cards Not Wanted
Post by: Kyna on 2008 June 24, 08:41:24
Dizzy2 is also known as Dizzy, and can be found at The Laden Swallow.

Have you checked to see if it's in Dizzy's collection of hacks (  If it's not, you could try asking if he'll update it.

Title: Re: Chance Cards Not Wanted
Post by: edalbformat on 2008 June 24, 09:20:27
Thanks for the info. Got the linked collection but the mod is not there. Tried to register in the linked site but it seems that it is not approved. Will continue trying to make the mod self.
Thanks for the help anyway.

Title: Re: Chance Cards Not Wanted
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 June 25, 23:40:10
Modify BCON in 0x7F8F4EB6 (JobGlobals), 0x2001. Set values 0x01, 0x02, 0x13 to 0.