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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: blossyblossy on 2008 June 23, 23:00:26

Title: Encouragificator
Post by: blossyblossy on 2008 June 23, 23:00:26
I have a lot with a bunch of lazy Sims.  The most active one (an Uncle) has 4 points.  I am trying to get the Uncle to encourage activity in a child with 2 active points, but the encourage option isn't available in the pie menu.

Am I correct in assuming that the Encouragificator works by any older relative enouraging a younger relative?

Is there a threshold below which encouraging is not an option?

I am assuming that even though he has more points than the child, he is basically still lazy and therefore unable to encourage this.

Title: Re: Encouragificator
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 June 23, 23:04:30
If you can't encourage non-macroly, you can't encourage macroly either. Nyah.

Title: Re: Encouragificator
Post by: blossyblossy on 2008 June 23, 23:58:21
It did allow me to non-macroly encourage activity but this is so tiresome I never noticed any actual increase in the child's activity level.

So is it that non-macroly encouragement doesn't actually work (even though it was an option) and/or macroly doesn't work at low levels?

Title: Re: Encouragificator
Post by: notovny on 2008 June 24, 02:52:04
Odd. I could have sworn that "Encourage...Activity" only shows up for Sims of Lazy/Active 6+

Title: Re: Encouragificator
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 June 24, 03:20:59
Odd. I could have sworn that "Encourage...Activity" only shows up for Sims of Lazy/Active 6+
It does. You can only encourage Active if you have Activeness. You can't encourage activeness on a target with 10 active, obviously.

Title: Re: Encouragificator
Post by: Simmerqueen on 2008 June 25, 16:05:34
I have also had the option to "Encourage" in the same area (activity, etc.) with the same two Sims where I have not had the option to "Macro..Encourage".  It seems to me (haven't looked in a while) that it may have been related to relationship scores - maybe higher ones get the macro option and lower ones don't?  You're definitely right about the regular "Encourage" option though - it is a major drag.  This mod is the only way to go.

Title: Re: Encouragificator
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 June 25, 16:42:57
It could be -- I recall I couldn't get a sim living in the same house to macro/encourage his  child-age brother-in-law until their relationship got up to the friend level at least (if memory serves).

Title: Re: Encouragificator
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 June 26, 00:04:55
Macro-Encourage will not appear until the relationship is good enough that the action will reliably WORK. EAxis does not care if you perform the action ineffectually and will show the option just when personality and family relationship permits, but Macros care about actual efficacy and will not pop the option until it is certain to actually do something.