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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: MajorMercedes on 2008 June 15, 22:02:56

Title: Toddlers won't learn to talk!
Post by: MajorMercedes on 2008 June 15, 22:02:56
It's been happening for almost a year, now.  I have to bump up the "Learn to Talk" skill via the InSimenator, until it's almost completely full.  If it's not full, the skill bar will reset itself.   It won't do the roll over animation, and the toddler will sit there and make the angry face or not pay attention when their parent gives them a word.  They could be there for many hours, but the skill bar wouldn't have budged.

I've checked motives, and tried it once after maxing out both the parent and the toddlers motives.  This produced no effect.

I like to have toddlers learn everything more efficiently, so, when they are learning a new skill, they are always Smart Milk'd and the parent is always using a Thinking Cap.

This only happens with Learn to Talk.  Walking and Potty Training are unaffected.

I hope I've provided enough information.

Title: Re: Toddlers won't learn to talk!
Post by: Emma on 2008 June 15, 22:11:16
I think you just need the sim to be wearing the thinking cap when the smart milk is being made IIRC. Keeping the cap on while teaching the toddler skills causes this bar reset bug.

I could be wrong though.

Title: Re: Toddlers won't learn to talk!
Post by: MajorMercedes on 2008 June 15, 22:48:42
Yay! It worked!  Thanks a bunch, Emma! ;D

Title: Re: Toddlers won't learn to talk!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 June 17, 23:21:21
Wearing a thinking cap while making smart milk does nothing. The cake is a lie. Death to Emma.

Title: Re: Toddlers won't learn to talk!
Post by: Emma on 2008 June 18, 07:52:04
Whatever. I thought I read it somewhere :D Probably the Prima guide.

Title: Re: Toddlers won't learn to talk!
Post by: Liz on 2008 June 18, 08:48:05
Hah, that would explain it. Stupid guide is such liecaek.  :D

Title: Re: Toddlers won't learn to talk!
Post by: talysman on 2008 June 18, 21:06:21
Mmmm. Licecake.

I used to occasionally use the thinking cap while training toddlers (with or without smart milk,) because I thought *that* is what the Prima guide said. Whether or not it works, I don't bother, now. Smart milk alone enables you to train toddlers to walk/talk in the first few hours of that lifestage, assuming they didn't toddler-up with low Energy. Sometimes, you can even potty-train 'em that first day, too.