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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Avalikia on 2008 June 06, 17:31:27

Title: What the random error?
Post by: Avalikia on 2008 June 06, 17:31:27
I've gotten the attached error a couple times while moving a family into a house for the first time.  Specifically it was while the lot was loading.  The error kept repeating itself when I seleted either "cancel" or "reset", forcing me to push "delete" to continue.  When I selected "delete" the lot finished loading and didn't have any apparent problems, but since this has happened multiple times I figured that I should find out what exactly is going on and if I need to worry about it.

Title: Re: What the random error?
Post by: Roux on 2008 June 06, 19:35:31
Several users have reported errors similar to yours, and it seems they were related either to warmthfixes or (surprisingly) the merged Maxis 'hood.

This thread (,11133.0.html) might be useful. A search for "crap" and "GUID" should reveal some other threads, too.

[ETA: it only took me 17 days, 11 hours and 37 minutes of clocked forum time, but I finally got to 50 posts and earned my first set of lips! Woot!]

Title: Re: What the random error?
Post by: Avalikia on 2008 June 06, 20:21:15
Hmm, so basically warmthfixes is detecting that my characters have corrupt bits of data, likely due to the fact that this is indeed from my merged 'hood?  Well I don't consider that to be too big of a deal.  I figure a merged hood is inherintly unstable and on its way to a BFBVFS from the beginning anyway.  I only plan on messing with it until it is VFS, at which point I can delete it and concentrate fully on my custom 'hoods (because we all know they're better anyway).  I can and will happily ignore the errors as long as they aren't going to effect my custom hoods.

Title: Re: What the random error?
Post by: Kyna on 2008 June 07, 03:14:27
I posted about this error here (,11502.0.html), and in an earlier thread.  At least, I assume it was the same error.

The problem is that although they appear to be wearing "everyday", some sims aren't actually seen by the game as wearing everyday.  These sims are the ones that are erroring.  Keep pressing reset until you get into the lot (it took 90 times on the lot where I'd placed Ajay Loner).  Once in the lot, you can fix the broken sim(s) by placing a wardrobe near each sim on the lot and telling them to change into everyday.  Only the broken sims will have the option to change into everyday on the wardrobe.

I have HP's combined hood, but I am concerned about it's general health.  It comes with two sets of townies (the Desiderata ones and the Riverblossom ones), which isn't damaging but does mean the hood could have been smaller.  What is damaging is that it doesn't have some of the townies it should have - the ones that playables have relationships with, such as Crystal Vu or the Bluewater employees.  HP clearly didn't use clean templates when she made this, or if she cleaned them herself then she didn't clean them properly.

Title: Re: What the random error?
Post by: Emma on 2008 June 07, 07:13:38
Yeah, after taking the best part of a day to set up my merged hood, purging memories and suchlike, I've decided to bin it. Too buggy for me. :-\ Shame, because it was a great idea.

Title: Re: What the random error?
Post by: Kazzandra on 2008 June 07, 18:21:47
Yeah, after taking the best part of a day to set up my merged hood, purging memories and suchlike, I've decided to bin it. Too buggy for me. :-\ Shame, because it was a great idea.

Eh??? I thought the whole point of having the merged hood was that it is cleaned out and in good health, and all in one place. WTF? I'm hoping no one gets too attached to the Sims they play in it.

Title: Re: What the random error?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 June 07, 18:24:38
That would ordinarily be the point, yes, but I think that Emma failed it, because her skill was not high enough.

Title: Re: What the random error?
Post by: Emma on 2008 June 08, 06:23:28
No fail, just setting up ACR tokens and purging sims of trash/corrupt memories, dead romances and suchlike. It crashed when my sims (Don and Cassandra) were on honeymoon. I just couldn't be bothered.

I did it right for once! I'm actually quite good at cleaning up stuff. It's not very often I get crashes, and if I do it is usually due to bad CC. No CC in this merged hood apart from my hacks.

Title: Re: What the random error?
Post by: Kazzandra on 2008 June 08, 16:42:57
purging sims of trash/corrupt memories, dead romances and suchlike

See, I was very surprised to read that the merged hood wasn't already cleaned. I spent some 'quality time' reading the comments on HP's merged hood. It is still in testing *maybe* but it seems to me that someone should clean it up and repost it so that it actually stable.

Not that I've EVAH touched a Maxis hood.  :P

Title: Re: What the random error?
Post by: Emma on 2008 June 09, 07:56:26
I think it is fairly clean-ish, but not fully. I was surprised at the corrupt memories being present. I have my clean version of the merged hood saved, but every lot has the sync timer and a debugger on it now. I might try and play it again sometime, but not now.