More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: unregister on 2008 June 05, 19:31:05

Title: Servo has human face in game controller and family screen
Post by: unregister on 2008 June 05, 19:31:05
I installed my unbought Free Time, got update mods/hacks, and latest lot debugger.

I have been playing it with no problems. Yesterday, I used the lot debugger to get rid of rain puddles using the servo. Also wanting to get rid of a sim's sunburn, while using servo, I did the fix sunburns and tans.

After a long pause, the pics of servo in the controller changed to human face with the one big eye. The loading family screen also has servo a one-eyed human. The actual servo is fine with no changes.

It really isn't a big deal, just a bit annoying to have that one-eyed human picture of servo looking back at me from the game controller. Any possible remedies, besides killing servo?

Thank you for any ideas or help.

Title: Re: Servo has human face in game controller and family screen
Post by: seelindarun on 2008 June 05, 19:58:06
You fixed sunburns & tans with the servo selected, but you wanted to fix sunburns & tans on some other sim?  Do I understand you correctly?  I'm pretty sure that would fall into the category of unAwesome use, but I'm more surprised that the lot debugger would allow misfiring in that way!  :D

For starters, did you try to regenerate portraiture (with the servo selected FTW)?  ;)  How 'bout fix flashing blue?

Title: Re: Servo has human face in game controller and family screen
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 June 06, 07:42:44
I think you did a very bad thing. Did it not inspire you to quit without saving? I didn't anticipate that someone would do something that dumb, so I'll probably idiotproof the next release to prevent this.

Title: Re: Servo has human face in game controller and family screen
Post by: unregister on 2008 June 06, 08:20:29
You fixed sunburns & tans with the servo selected, but you wanted to fix sunburns & tans on some other sim?  Do I understand you correctly?  I'm pretty sure that would fall into the category of unAwesome use, but I'm more surprised that the lot debugger would allow misfiring in that way!  :D

For starters, did you try to regenerate portraiture (with the servo selected FTW)?  ;)  How 'bout fix flashing blue?

Yes, that is what I did, you understand correctly. I knew I screwed up as soon as it happened! Nope, I didn't try to regenerate portraiture, or fixi flashing blue. Just rain puddles and sunburn and tans. Only two that I used.

I think you did a very bad thing. Did it not inspire you to quit without saving? I didn't anticipate that someone would do something that dumb, so I'll probably idiotproof the next release to prevent this.

I really expected that!! lol!! Quiting without saving seemed like an option, but since I hadn't saved in awhile, and the Servo itself was not affected I did eventually quit and save. Had the Servo itself had the face, I would have not saved, as that face on Servo would be difficult to play.

I rather feel somewhat priviledged that "The Great One" would find a reason to "idiotproof" it due to my dumb action. That is an honor! Getting all glowy here.

Now this Servo was spawned into the game, if that makes any difference.

Title: Re: Servo has human face in game controller and family screen
Post by: seelindarun on 2008 June 06, 19:12:18
What I meant by asking was to suggest that regenerating portraiture and fix flashing blue might fix your problem.  However, I think if it was that easy JMP would have confirmed or something to that effect by now.

If you want to try anyway, you can click Fix...Regenerate Portraiture on the lot debugger, and/or Fix...Fix Flashing Blue...[your servo's name].  For simplicity, do so with the servo selected.  ;)

Title: Re: Servo has human face in game controller and family screen
Post by: unregister on 2008 June 07, 01:00:31
If you want to try anyway, you can click Fix...Regenerate Portraiture on the lot debugger, and/or Fix...Fix Flashing Blue...[your servo's name].  For simplicity, do so with the servo selected.  ;)

Thank you for the suggestion! I will give it a try. Of course this time, if I cause the Servo to have a face change, I will be prepared to quit without saving.

I've RTFM. When I had seen under "fix": "tans and burns", rather than "tan and burn", the plural led me to believe that it was a multipurpose selection applying to lot occupants rather than an individual. My bad. In future, I will enter lot, test reaction to a lot debugger options, and quit and not save immediately if out come is questionable. Again, my bad.

Thank you again, it is very much appreciated!

Update: I tried the Regenerate Portraiture and it only gave new positions for the one-eyed human faced Servo. Was worth the try.