More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Madame Mim on 2008 June 04, 01:30:01

Title: My pants weren't too tight
Post by: Madame Mim on 2008 June 04, 01:30:01
Following some advice I got at another site I updated my Romance Mod and Betty Newbie no longer throws errors every two seconds.

I would have put this discovery into the thread I posted here yesterday asking for help, but it was somehow miraculously deleted. How odd. How rude. While I fully admit that this is not my site to do with as I wish and my thread may have contravened some rule or whim of those in power - why was I not informed of my transgression? If I err should I not, at least, be told how I err?

So, thankyou, for the updated mod. And no-thankyou for throwing my question out arbitrarily. >:(

Title: Re: My pants weren't too tight
Post by: aussieone on 2008 June 04, 01:34:45
But we all know that the romance mod has been updated because we come here and check for updates on a regular/semi regular basis. Don't you?

Title: Re: My pants weren't too tight
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 June 04, 01:57:11
I would have put this discovery into the thread I posted here yesterday asking for help, but it was somehow miraculously deleted. How odd. How rude. While I fully admit that this is not my site to do with as I wish and my thread may have contravened some rule or whim of those in power - why was I not informed of my transgression? If I err should I not, at least, be told how I err?
You didn't break any rules, it was just a known issue that had already been reported elsewhere and resolved. Since I no longer needed the error log, it was faster to simply hit "remove" than dig through 3 levels of menus to delete a single attachment. So I just nuked the thread, it was faster.

Title: Re: My pants weren't too tight
Post by: Madame Mim on 2008 June 04, 04:59:17
Yes, AussieOne, I do. Everyday I check for updates and install them before I start my game. Yesterday I had the error and started looking for help. After I went to bed last night the mod was updated and my thread disapeared.

Now you tell me why/how you think I should install updates before they are posted?

Title: Re: My pants weren't too tight
Post by: aussieone on 2008 June 04, 05:45:07
After I went to bed last night the mod was updated and my thread disapeared.

And then you would have gotten up this morning, checked for updates, saw the romancemod update, installed it. Fixed game, problem solved.

Title: Re: My pants weren't too tight
Post by: Emma on 2008 June 04, 06:42:53
Yes, but she didn't know for sure it was the Romancemod that was causing it. That's why she asked for help and posted an Error Log. She was doin' it right!

Title: Re: My pants weren't too tight
Post by: jolrei on 2008 June 04, 17:29:31
We are not actually well known in the internet world for our well developed social graces.

In any case, problem solved, and we have a nice new complaint thread to post in.  I think everyone's happy.

Title: Re: My pants weren't too tight
Post by: Emma on 2008 June 04, 17:31:05
We do? Where?

Title: Re: My pants weren't too tight
Post by: jolrei on 2008 June 04, 19:05:25
I thought this was one.  It isn't?

Title: Re: My pants weren't too tight
Post by: Emma on 2008 June 04, 19:41:58
Pescado will lock this soon, you watch :D

I bet he won't now, just to spite me. If he hasn't locked it by this time tomorrow, I'll make a complaint ;D