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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Kittylynn on 2008 June 02, 12:26:01

Title: Autonomous Dancing Issue
Post by: Kittylynn on 2008 June 02, 12:26:01
If I don't keep my Sims 100% busy all the time, then they don't do ANYTHING other than the Child/Parent Dancing on Toes.  This goes on constantly, they ignore the PC, the TV, everything that should be a whole heck of a lot more interesting than dancing on each other's feet.  I nearly had a child taken by the Social worker from missing her first day of school, because her father had to wake up and go dance with her all morning and then wouldn't cut off when the bus came!  Luckily he was a family sim and I had worked the Lifetime benefits up so he could beg to keep his kids. Sorry - end rant- on to my question:

Has anyone made a mod to make this action less attractive or to cut it completely.  I don't mind if it happens a little bit, it's good for raising social fast, but so is Red Hands and that's quieter!

Title: Re: Autonomous Dancing Issue
Post by: notovny on 2008 June 02, 12:57:28
TwoJeffs'  "No Dancing in Silence (,13.0.html)" nukes the Dance on Toes interaction unless there is actually music playing in the room.

Title: Re: Autonomous Dancing Issue
Post by: Kittylynn on 2008 June 02, 13:35:14
That's perfect!  I usually stick a tiny radio in the basement or attic of my Sims houses for those rare times when I want them to earn the dancing scholarship.  If they restrict the dancing to those areas I think I can stand to play my Legacy family for more than 20 minutes at a time!

I know we aren't supposed to thank around here, but I'm chronically polite, so...Thanks!

Title: Re: Autonomous Dancing Issue
Post by: nekonoai on 2008 June 02, 15:20:29
This makes me very happy as well... This is running rampant in the clown car vag lot. Baaa!

Title: Re: Autonomous Dancing Issue
Post by: firerayne on 2008 June 08, 23:28:16
has anyone done a hack to get rid of any autonomous dancing its driving me nuts

Title: Re: Autonomous Dancing Issue
Post by: morriganrant on 2008 June 11, 05:02:39
Gee, I dunno, if only we had a thread (,9495.0.html) dedicated to the finding of things that we can not find ourselves.