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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: MrMugg on 2008 May 31, 04:40:56

Title: Is there a hack for less cheerleading and less visits from Prof Taylor Boyle?
Post by: MrMugg on 2008 May 31, 04:40:56
I've been searching, but I couldn't find any hacks for two things in University that are really annoying me:

1)  Cheerleaders and mascots do the school cheer way too much, and then they do it twice in a row!  To make matters worse, they run and get in your way to do the school cheer whether you are doing something, sleeping, or taking a crap.  I don't mind the school cheers, but I'd really like this to be toned down.

2)  Who the heck is this Professor Taylor Boyle?  He shows up to all my dorms/houses, and he's not even one of the professors for my student sims!  Is there a hack to lessen the amount of visits he makes?  The dude is a stalker!

Title: Re: Is there a hack for less cheerleading and less visits from Prof Taylor Boyle?
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 May 31, 04:54:58
1) The only solution I know of is to ban them completely using TwoJeffs' Visitor Controller, found at

2) The names change, but the stalking professor is usually one of the Drama professors.  They're always randy romance sims. To keep them from stalking, see the answer to #1.

Title: Re: Is there a hack for less cheerleading and less visits from Prof Taylor Boyle
Post by: MrMugg on 2008 May 31, 13:20:09
Darn, I was hoping that there were some patches for this.  But there are some very amazing patches on this site that I already use, and I found some more that I'll be testing out and using later.  I was especially surprised to find the "manual-navigation" hack.  I've been wanting that since Sims 1, because you can do manual navigation in The Sims Online without it erasing your que.

Title: Re: Is there a hack for less cheerleading and less visits from Prof Taylor Boyle
Post by: highstresslevel on 2008 June 01, 10:37:39
The cheerleading bugged me too, but the best I could come up with was to disable the "run up and cheer at sim" thing completely.  Mascots and cheerleaders will still show up on lots uninvited, and will still chase off the evil mascot, but otherwise they act like dormies. 

If you want to try that out, I uploaded it here:,12060.0.html

Title: Re: Is there a hack for less cheerleading and less visits from Prof Taylor Boyle?
Post by: Lady Moiraine on 2008 June 01, 11:33:18
I can't stand them either.  If they come on the lot, I just go into buy mode and moveobjects on and delete them.  Then moveobjects off.  If my sim is not in a dorm but a home instead, I just lock doors to allow household only.

Title: Re: Is there a hack for less cheerleading and less visits from Prof Taylor Boyle
Post by: MrMugg on 2008 June 01, 17:27:23
The cheerleading bugged me too, but the best I could come up with was to disable the "run up and cheer at sim" thing completely.  Mascots and cheerleaders will still show up on lots uninvited, and will still chase off the evil mascot, but otherwise they act like dormies. 

If you want to try that out, I uploaded it here:,12060.0.html

That's perfect, thank you!  I don't want to get rid of the cheerleaders.  I don't mind them being there.  I just want them to stop running around and cheerleading all the time.  I'll try out the file.   ;D

Title: Re: Is there a hack for less cheerleading and less visits from Prof Taylor Boyle
Post by: professorbutters on 2008 June 01, 18:36:15
I thought the drama professors were usually Popularity, not Romance.  They do have special coding that makes them instantly best friends and in love with absolutely everybody.  Simple way to deal with them:  don't answer the door.

Cow mascots are easily dealt with by having a sentrybot.  I don't especially like them strolling onto a lot and screwing up relationships, especially engaged couples during a graduation party.  Sentrybots keep them away.

Llama mascots and cheerleaders--well, the cheering can be annoying, yes, but they exist to be Influenced to write papers, to be targets for my Romance Sims, and to have the skills and aspirational levels sucked right out of them.  They will keep their special cheering coding and appear in their mascot clothes if you marry them in.  They make entertaining werewolves.

A lot of people like the TwoJeffs Visitor Controller.  I find it squelches a few too many things for my taste.


Title: Re: Is there a hack for less cheerleading and less visits from Prof Taylor Boyle
Post by: seelindarun on 2008 June 01, 19:28:16
I can't stand them either.  If they come on the lot, I just go into buy mode and moveobjects on and delete them.  Then moveobjects off.  If my sim is not in a dorm but a home instead, I just lock doors to allow household only.

A quicker way is to stick a BRY controller in the closet.  (It's not just for shops any more!  So when is Pescado going to commission a smaller mesh; the damned eyesore doesn't even stay inside its own tile boundaries!)  It has a Make Bugger Off... option which you can use without leaving play mode.  It also nicely eliminates the need to remember to unlock the door when you have a visitor you want to invite in, which I never remember to do.  :D

Title: Re: Is there a hack for less cheerleading and less visits from Prof Taylor Boyle
Post by: talysman on 2008 June 01, 21:21:13
For me, the cow mascot's a challenge. Even though cows will try to flirt almost from the get-go, they tend to be very hard to romance. So, naturally, my Romance sim with "Woohoo 20 Sims" did the cow. She's not marrying him, however, because I once had a sim romance and marry a cheerleader; she doesn't wear the cheerleader costume when she's playable, but when she drops by to visit other sims while I'm playing them, she wears the costume and also walks right in without being invited. Amusing at first, useful when your playing a freewill challenge (she started spraying bugs for one freewill family.) But in the long run, annoying.

BRY is a good idea, but I usually just let them show up and cheer a bit, then tell them goodbye. If they're hard to catch, click on another visitor and say goodbye to everyone.

Title: Re: Is there a hack for less cheerleading and less visits from Prof Taylor Boyle
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 June 02, 00:03:48
I have the VC set to ban the cow at Tou Laine Tech and the llama at Renwarr College. Never made sense to me how every uni could have the llama as their mascot and the cow as their rival...where is this fabled rival school.

Title: Re: Is there a hack for less cheerleading and less visits from Prof Taylor Boyle?
Post by: maxon on 2008 June 02, 13:20:45
My favourite thing for the cow is the cow head.  Was that TwoJeffs?  Your sims can get out a gun and shoot the git.  He begs for his life too.

Title: Re: Is there a hack for less cheerleading and less visits from Prof Taylor Boyle?
Post by: Kittylynn on 2008 June 02, 13:37:49
Yes the cow mascot head on the wall!  It's great, I love the interactions.  It's a TwoJeffs Item.

Title: Re: Is there a hack for less cheerleading and less visits from Prof Taylor Boyle
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 June 02, 13:56:59
I thought the drama professors were usually Popularity, not Romance.  They do have special coding that makes them instantly best friends and in love with absolutely everybody......

....A lot of people like the TwoJeffs Visitor Controller.  I find it squelches a few too many things for my taste.

They may be; I avoid them like the plague (i.e., by not answering the door).  I did have a sim go to the park at Sim State when I was playing last night, and the male drama professor was there -- hitting on every other male in sight (I love ACR's random gender preference). He got rejected and poked in the chest quite a bit. :) 

The latest VC doesn't squelch anything you don't want it to squelch.  TJ removed pretty much all the default settings, and every setting can be changed. I think only the gypsy and Mrs. C are banned by default now, and even that can be changed quite easily.  The settings are on a lot basis; handy for making teen-only or gay-only clubs, or designing that little love nest club for your romance sims where they can stalk new lovers without running into existing ones. :)  In my mind, it's one of the 5 essential tools for the game (the lot debugger and macrotastics and its related accessories are also in that group).