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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Doc Doofus on 2008 May 28, 02:53:44

Title: Aspiration benefit points... How can I slow it down?
Post by: Doc Doofus on 2008 May 28, 02:53:44
It's too easy to pile up the maximum aspiration benefit points too early in a Sim's life.   Before they have even born their first child, they become maxed out and boring to play.

Has anybody made (or considered making) a hack to slow it down?  Perhaps 1/3 or 1/4 of the current build-up speed would be about right. I'd do it myself but I don't understand how SimPe works anymore, it's turned into such an octopus.

Title: Re: Aspiration benefit points... How can I slow it down?
Post by: toad on 2008 May 28, 03:18:03
Just fulfill some of their FEARS... or else stop fulfilling their wants so often!

Title: Re: Aspiration benefit points... How can I slow it down?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 May 28, 06:26:49
If you run the game in aging off, they will max out relatively quickly because the game is balanced for aging on. If you do many things to unnaturally extend lifespan, same thing happens.

Title: Re: Aspiration benefit points... How can I slow it down?
Post by: Doc Doofus on 2008 May 28, 08:03:49
Well, I'm not running with aging-off or doing anything otherwise that unusual.

I'm just saying I would like to accrue benefit points *more gradually* so that there is something left to work for in their old age.   It is too easy to earn all the benefit aspiration perks, too early in a Sims life.

Title: Re: Aspiration benefit points... How can I slow it down?
Post by: FourCats on 2008 May 30, 01:14:58
I just buy aspiration awards and stock pile them in the yard, until my sim or his or her descendants use them.  Some houses have rows and rows of energizers because I didn't want the sim to die of old age and take all his points with him.

Title: Re: Aspiration benefit points... How can I slow it down?
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 May 30, 01:52:02
Not the same thing (unless I'm misunderstanding Doc Doofus). He's looking at the Life Time Aspiration points & meter. I'd be interested in a way to slow them down as well.

Title: Re: Aspiration benefit points... How can I slow it down?
Post by: Doc Doofus on 2008 May 30, 03:02:50
Zazazu gets it.  I don't care about the aspiration REWARD points.  (And I don't generally use those at all, anymore.  I try to make the game more challenging.)

I also have a hack I made some time back that multiplies all house bills by some factor (8 I think)  It keeps things interesting.  The first house bill, before depreciation sets in, is often two to four thousand dollars.  So, I'm thinking, along the same lines, of making the aspiration BENEFIT points (part of Freetime) more challenging to earn to make the game more interesting.

I can't figure out SimPe anymore.  For one thing, I can't figure out how to get to find the global BHAV's.  And I can't figure out how to get rid of, move, or resize the damn panels.  Somebody went too fucking nuts overdesigning this thing.

Title: Re: Aspiration benefit points... How can I slow it down?
Post by: witch on 2008 May 30, 03:36:54
I agree with the new perks being to easy, too early. Every time I click on the damn panel, there's about 5-6 points, it seems. My sims are already running round like maniacs till well after midnight and I get damned sick of trying to think of things for them to do except endless skilling. They all seem to have reduced needs, so much so it's become almost mindless. Boring. During the day there are events that can interrupt the flow, which can create a more interesting game.

Parties have ended at 11 for so long now, the cop comes whether the stereo's inside or outside; I just don't know what to do with the hyperactive little buggers!

I reckon we need something that makes needs drop more quickly, emulating normal/hard play. I'm bloody sick of EAsy sim play.

Title: Re: Aspiration benefit points... How can I slow it down?
Post by: aussieone on 2008 May 30, 03:47:17
My sims are already running round like maniacs till well after midnight and I get damned sick of trying to think of things for them to do except endless skilling.

Yep, I learnt early on not to click on the perk/s that give them more energy. I want them to go to bed at a reasonable hour and not sleep the following day away.

Title: Re: Aspiration benefit points... How can I slow it down?
Post by: Emma on 2008 May 30, 06:41:15
Not only that, when they are called to bed via sleepclock, they only need a 3-4 hours of sleep at most, but they have usually maxed out their sleep bar by I just don't bother sending non-child sims to bed anymore, unless they're pregnant, have been working out or a similar energy drain activity.

Title: Re: Aspiration benefit points... How can I slow it down?
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 May 30, 06:41:44
I don't assign anything but the job perks (less friends, more vacation) because my sims usually have a few friends among their inlaws and I've never enjoyed consciously seeking out friends. Fortune sims get their benefits and Knowledge sims get up to Eureka. I love Eureka.

My thing is more about the maxed meter effect. Permaplat. I roll for LTW fulfillment for a reason...I don't want everyone going platinum.

Title: Re: Aspiration benefit points... How can I slow it down?
Post by: jolrei on 2008 May 30, 13:46:50
Not the same thing (unless I'm misunderstanding Doc Doofus). He's looking at the Life Time Aspiration points & meter. I'd be interested in a way to slow them down as well.

Funny - I never seem to do anything that gives my sims any LTA points - can't seem to get them to max.  Obviously my strategery of just letting my sims do anything that seems lulzy at the time is paying off (or not paying off, as the case may be).

Title: Re: Aspiration benefit points... How can I slow it down?
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 May 30, 15:15:59
I just try to keep them at least at a safe green aspiration level, and I'm still getting most of my sims going LTA-permaplat well before elderhood. Most of mine do get married and pop out three kids (2-7, but the vast majority have three), so that gives them a few points, and they all get potty trained as a toddler. About 3/4 have been graduating from college. But most don't max their careers or have more than one business, if any, and only one biz is level 10 anyway. No learning to walk or talk.