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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: arogers on 2008 May 25, 09:45:18

Title: yet another CS problem.
Post by: arogers on 2008 May 25, 09:45:18
So ive managed to extract the objects from castaway stories but when I place certain objects (ones with interactions) they will stop live mode from working until I delete the object. How can I fix this?

Title: Re: yet another CS problem.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 May 25, 09:50:26
This is an incompatibility in the Main or Init BHAV. There is no way for you to fix it because you are insufficiently Awesome. This task exceeds your understanding and you would have to go through an entire crash-course in BHAVs before you could even begin to resolve this.

Title: Re: yet another CS problem.
Post by: Havelock on 2008 May 25, 12:00:14
arogers all Objects from CS one could make usable for TS2 are done by Pescado, Devilsrope, and me. All other Objects have to be reprogrammed for TS2, are useless or would not work in TS2. We have tried anything possible.

Title: Re: yet another CS problem.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 May 25, 13:02:36
I've basically covered everything that could work that can be reprogrammed feasibly. Havelock and whatshisface covered all the nonfunctional objects. Everything else is either fundamentally incompatible or obscure and nobody's heard of it.