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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: pcgeekri on 2008 May 20, 05:17:09

Title: Error when Sim gets food from stove/oven/microwave. Error and fix included
Post by: pcgeekri on 2008 May 20, 05:17:09
This is an old topic discussed over 30 days ago but I'm having the same problem also.  But the problem only follows the two sims that can't compete cooking.  This is what the sims have in common that can't finish cooking...

1) Both sims are sloppy and have licked a plate clean, the option for them to lick an empty plate clean does not appear any more.

2) Both generate this same error:

3) The old meals is what they cannot cook.  Ex. Sandwich, hotdogs, hamburgers, raemen noodles, Mac & cheese, etc.  They both can cook Grandma's comfort soup and Santa cookies.

4) If the food is burnt the cooking is completed.

The problem follows the sim, not stove, lot, etc.  Ex. University sloppy sim licked a plate clean then couldn't finish cooking for this error and was graduated moved into a new lot and still cannot cook.

Other sim was started in the base neighborhood, licked a plate clean, and now generates this error

UPDATE:  Okay fixed the problem.  The two sims had a bad memory token when they grilled on the old Sims 2 original black grill.  The bad token read "[invisible] Token - Sim - Foods Cooked Well" there is no object, ie. doesn't state what was cooked well.  I deleted this bad memory and the sims can cook again.  Whew!
I suspect what did this was the old version of the CEP.  Downloaded the new version last night so let's keep an eye out for this reoccuring. 

Thanks for any help,


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