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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: arogers on 2008 May 17, 11:15:09

Title: extracting castaway objects with object workshop
Post by: arogers on 2008 May 17, 11:15:09
what file do I have to open in object workshop so that I get a list of all objects on castaway stories? I want to clone the plants.

Title: Re: extracting castaway objects with object workshop
Post by: Gwill on 2008 May 17, 11:17:14
Do you know how to clone items in general, or is this your first project?

Title: Re: extracting castaway objects with object workshop
Post by: arogers on 2008 May 17, 11:19:09
I know how to extract the objects from the normal sims 2 but not the others