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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: misscatfish on 2008 May 14, 15:17:55

Title: Can this Sim be saved?
Post by: misscatfish on 2008 May 14, 15:17:55
Hello all! This is my first post, although I've been lurking for a while...

I am having a problem with a Sim who has recently returned from vacation. Perhaps it's because I deleted the vacation destination after he got home and replaced all the templates? I have attached the error log that was generated when I enabled testing cheats. Can this guy be fixed?

I have all expansions through BV (running no-CD cracked version), no stuff packs.

P.S. There is currently a dialog box with "cancel-reset-delete" on the screen, and I can't get "cancel" or "reset" to work. I forget what happens when I push "delete," so I'm just not pushing anything at the moment.

Title: Re: Can this Sim be saved?
Post by: bekka on 2008 May 14, 17:53:34
If you press delete the sim WILL disappear.  You then save and exit and when you return he will be standing by the mailbox.  Unless of course something is completely borked, in which case he may disappear altogether and never return.

Title: Re: Can this Sim be saved?
Post by: jolrei on 2008 May 14, 18:58:25
I would delete it and let it reset to the mailbox.  If the sim is still borked, try moving him out and moving him into another lot.  If that works, your lot is probably borked.  Bulldoze the old lot.

If it does not work, you may want to check your hacks and cc to make sure it's not a conflicting hack or bad cc mesh or something causing the problem (very tedious process, I know).

Title: Re: Can this Sim be saved?
Post by: misscatfish on 2008 May 14, 19:47:21
Thanks for your suggestions! I tried them, but it looks like the Sim is borked on other lots as well, as is the guest he took with him on the trip. One of the oddest symptoms of their problem is that neither of them can use toilets or showers...

Also, when other playable Sims invite them over, they can't interact with the borkees at all. They start to, and then the action just drops out.

Because of this whole "missing neighbor" message, I'm starting to suspect I may have done something awful in SimPE last night when I was sleepy and very hatey toward ugly vacation townies. Grr.

I guess this'll teach me to be more careful. I'll keep the poor guys in the Sim Bin for awhile just in case a solution comes up, but I imagine they're doomed.

Thanks again!

Title: Re: Can this Sim be saved?
Post by: jolrei on 2008 May 14, 20:08:47
If, as you suggest, you deleted things in SimPE that you should not have deleted, you may have turned your 'hood into a BFBVFS.  I suggest restoring from backup (if you want to try keeping the 'hood).

Title: Re: Can this Sim be saved?
Post by: leaths on 2008 May 14, 20:22:01
Just out of curiosity, but couldn't deleting the vacation hood be the problem? If his sims went on vacation, met some of the locals and suddenly those locals were deleted with the hood, would that cause this problem? I've always thought that sub-hoods shouldn't be deleted after being played for this reason, so I'm wondering if I'm wrong.

Title: Re: Can this Sim be saved?
Post by: jolrei on 2008 May 14, 20:31:45
Just out of curiosity, but couldn't deleting the vacation hood be the problem? If his sims went on vacation, met some of the locals and suddenly those locals were deleted with the hood, would that cause this problem? I've always thought that sub-hoods shouldn't be deleted after being played for this reason, so I'm wondering if I'm wrong.

You can delete a university, provided there is another university for the dormies to go to, and you move your playables out to the sim bin before deleting.  You delete the university in game (the game will not allow this if there is only one uni in your hood). Dormies will reappear in the new university.

I think, as with NL and OFB sub-hoods, there are a number of special NPCs that are created in BV that would make it a very bad thing to delete.  The game may not allow you to delete your one island holiday sub-hood, for example, and if you delete it in any other way, there is a good chance that it will bork the hood.  If this was done, I suspect the hood is doomed.

Title: Re: Can this Sim be saved?
Post by: Havelock on 2008 May 16, 17:35:28
Try the delete attraction markers option on Lot debugger it looks like your Game is missing another Sim who he was attracted to. Could be the same for the Guest if your sim has told him he met the other sim and was attracted to him.

Title: Re: Can this Sim be saved?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 May 18, 18:32:22
Yes, this looks like a classic bad attraction markers issue. Nuke them and your game will be fine.

Title: Re: Can this Sim be saved?
Post by: misscatfish on 2008 May 20, 15:26:33
It worked! Fabulous! Thanks!