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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: jennydeenyc on 2008 May 13, 08:22:59

Title: idiot dormies - makes you wonder how they got into uni!
Post by: jennydeenyc on 2008 May 13, 08:22:59
I decided a couple days ago to play my Somerset twins through Uni. At first I had them in a Maxis dorm, but have since moved them into a much nicer one from MTS2. Once I got things straightened out with the classic "bathroom controller in dorms" issues, everything is playing pretty smoothly. However, I find I'm constantly cycling through my camera presets to find any dormies that have passed out on the street, in their food, on the floor, or just standing up. Since I lost 2 dormies in the first building the Somerset's were in due to severe motive droppage while passed out, I'll identify the passed out sim, select them with that special mirror (I think it's Monique's), and then have them wake up. Even with autonomy-enabled coffeemakers on premises, I still have to "force-wake" about 70% of my dormies each sim day, some sims multiple times in a multi-hour span. They also tend to go by the mailbox when their energy needs are really low, I have no idea why. I'll get piles of dormies passed out in one spot because the tired ones will be the first to walk over and fret over the ones that are already passed out, and they in turn pass out too!

Is there anything, anything at all that will prevent me from having to constantly babysit my noncontrollables in a dorm? I know just letting them die is a popular option on this board, but I like to give each one makeovers when they move in, and its a huge waste of time to have to do it on replacements for the dead (I like a full dorm). Plus, my playables are trying to develop relationships with some of them too, idiotic though the objects of their affection might be.

Title: Re: idiot dormies - makes you wonder how they got into uni!
Post by: Emma on 2008 May 13, 08:34:14
Sounds like you have 'nodormieprotect' by Pescado. Take that out. If you haven't got that and your dormies are still passing out in the street, then they deserve to die. ;D

Title: Re: idiot dormies - makes you wonder how they got into uni!
Post by: jennydeenyc on 2008 May 13, 08:42:40
Ah, indeed I do! I've just disabled it and hopefully that will improve matters. Didn't realize it would turn my dormies into such lobotomized vegetables! Thanks!

Title: Re: idiot dormies - makes you wonder how they got into uni!
Post by: Emma on 2008 May 13, 08:52:14
Sorry, just realised it is called 'nouniprotect' not 'nodormieprotect'. Looks like you found it anyway. I took mine out ages ago as my dormies were dropping like flies :D

Title: Re: idiot dormies - makes you wonder how they got into uni!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 May 13, 10:36:45
It doesn't turn them into lobotomized vegetables, they're normally lobotomized vegetables. Uni-protect just made them completely invulnerable so they could play the instruments non-stop FOREVER.

Title: Re: idiot dormies - makes you wonder how they got into uni!
Post by: spaceface on 2008 May 13, 14:40:10
Dormie ghosts add so much extra fun to Uni life, after all.

Title: Re: idiot dormies - makes you wonder how they got into uni!
Post by: Gwill on 2008 May 13, 14:55:30
Stereos in all rooms will keep them awake if nothing else.

Title: Re: idiot dormies - makes you wonder how they got into uni!
Post by: BattyCoda on 2008 May 13, 15:21:50
Stereos in all rooms will keep them awake if nothing else.

Yes, and a little boombox or stereo turned on near the front door keeps them off the sidewalk near the mailbox ;)

Title: Re: idiot dormies - makes you wonder how they got into uni!
Post by: Gwill on 2008 May 13, 15:38:21
Yes, and a little boombox or stereo turned on near the front door keeps them off the sidewalk near the mailbox ;)
Not to mention, off the portal.  I've had passed out dormies block my sims from going to their finals.  VERY annoying.
I use the wallspeakers mostly, they're cheap and don't get in the way.

Title: Re: idiot dormies - makes you wonder how they got into uni!
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 May 13, 15:47:52
Or you can just take out the hack and don't include instruments on dorm lots. That's what I do. Of course, my current dorms are extremely small (one 3-story model on a 1x3 at the expensive school and the other one is on a 3x3 but it's crammed). I've never had potty issues with dormies, either, and I don't use BUY. My only recurring dormie annoyance is that the dumbasses are always making messes and no one cleans up but my sims.

I was having issues at Renwarr College with resident dormies announcing that it was late and they were leaving at 2:00 am. This since FreeTime, but I don't suspect it's the fault of the EP. They do leave the lot en masse, but come back mere seconds later and go back to their rooms. I also don't seem to get enough dormies in this one college for the 14 rooms. Whatever.

Title: Re: idiot dormies - makes you wonder how they got into uni!
Post by: notveryawesome on 2008 May 13, 19:32:48
This sort of thing is why I don't allow dormies in my game. I don't even use the Myne doors anymore. I just use normal doors and lock them with the OFB functions and Inge's keys. If I don't have enough playable sims to fill a dorm, then the rooms sit empty, or I turn them into study rooms, art rooms, etc. Did I mention that I hate dormies?

Title: Re: idiot dormies - makes you wonder how they got into uni!
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 May 13, 21:49:44
I like them. I actually missed the little buggers when I was playing the Var house (tiny frat). They're great for drama. I have a couple dormies who really don't appreciate the cow mascot (Renwarr's mascot) or her avante garde style, and a few who get along with her well. All of mine now either hate each other or love each other, giving the photobooth lots of attention, and causing a few slap-fights when my playables pick out one for romancing.

One of the dormies was going to be the next mayor according to what I rolled on the randomizer, but then one of my marry-ins from the townie pool ended up being a senator.

Title: Re: idiot dormies - makes you wonder how they got into uni!
Post by: Gwill on 2008 May 14, 21:28:05
I love dormies.  I love to see them run around like headless chicken and piss themselves.
It's only when they prevent my playables from doing stuff I object.

Title: Re: idiot dormies - makes you wonder how they got into uni!
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 May 14, 21:49:20
I like dormies, too -- I usually play with notownieregen active, but not the dormie version.  Many of them have been relationship fodder, and a few ended up as spouses/significant others.  By now, between that and nouniprotect, most of the original dormies in my main hood are long gone, and the new ones the game generates aren't half bad.

Title: Re: idiot dormies - makes you wonder how they got into uni!
Post by: jolrei on 2008 May 15, 03:08:16
I like dormies, too -- I usually play with notownieregen active, but not the dormie version.  Many of them have been relationship fodder, and a few ended up as spouses/significant others.  By now, between that and nouniprotect, most of the original dormies in my main hood are long gone, and the new ones the game generates aren't half bad.

I think if I ever put nouniprotect back in, I will have to take out nodormieregen as well, otherwise I'll be constantly building new YAs to replace the "idiocides".

Title: Re: idiot dormies - makes you wonder how they got into uni!
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 May 15, 03:29:14
I like dormies, too -- I usually play with notownieregen active, but not the dormie version.  Many of them have been relationship fodder, and a few ended up as spouses/significant others.  By now, between that and nouniprotect, most of the original dormies in my main hood are long gone, and the new ones the game generates aren't half bad.

Mine are all game-generated, but from a custom Live.package and Bruna's face templates. Cute little elfen things. Below is a live-in something-or-other, Caroline Byrnson:

Title: Re: idiot dormies - makes you wonder how they got into uni!
Post by: Dea on 2008 May 15, 07:00:27
That's why I like the cowplant, get fed up with townie/dormies and the become plant food.

Title: Re: idiot dormies - makes you wonder how they got into uni!
Post by: Kazzandra on 2008 May 15, 14:06:07
Mine are all game-generated, but from a custom Live.package and Bruna's face templates. Cute little elfen things. Below is a live-in something-or-other, Caroline Byrnson:
<image snipped>

Is she a pregnant young adult? Because you know what that means...

Title: Re: idiot dormies - makes you wonder how they got into uni!
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 May 15, 15:03:15
Kitten killing!!!!  :o

No, she's not a pregnant YA. I've done that before, but I wasn't using InTeen. She's a full adult, living in the 'hood with Connor Bleu and running a little hair salon  in an outbuilding on her home lot. The bump is now a toddler named Cutter. Another stupid boy. (6 out of 7 of the 4th gen so far).

Title: Re: idiot dormies - makes you wonder how they got into uni!
Post by: Kazzandra on 2008 May 15, 15:36:56
That hairstyle definitely says 'home-business hair salon!'  ;D

Of course, the sadorandom child generator will cause your fifth generation to be children of polygamy/multiple divorces and affairs. But hey,  MOAR DRAMA.

Title: Re: idiot dormies - makes you wonder how they got into uni!
Post by: Celestra on 2008 May 15, 16:15:03
Weird i have played all my sims through Uni since day one and have yet to have a dormie die or even pass out

Wonder if the same will happen with AL when it comes out if the other apartments on the block are filled with unwanted moronic townies

Title: Re: idiot dormies - makes you wonder how they got into uni!
Post by: Kazzandra on 2008 May 15, 16:16:34
if the other apartments on the block are filled with unwanted moronic townies

GAH!!! Empty templates will be essential if that is the case!

Title: Re: idiot dormies - makes you wonder how they got into uni!
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 May 15, 17:08:53
I set up empty templates for FT before ever starting it up. Fool me once, shame on EA. Fool me seven times, I don't think so.
That hairstyle definitely says 'home-business hair salon!'  ;D

Of course, the sadorandom child generator will cause your fifth generation to be children of polygamy/multiple divorces and affairs. But hey,  MOAR DRAMA.
I don't really do divorces. Ever. Indiscretions end in death. Only reason Julius Lowe got to live after impregnating his girlfriend's sister is because he wasn't actually engaged to his girlfriend at the time, and everyone had a piece of her sister. Oversoul = vengeful and decisive. Polygamy (non-sexist style) is a given at some point, but no one has yet presented themselves as a Free Love Cult founder. I had hopes for Bonnie, but she ended up being all about the sex and not at all about the love.

Title: Re: idiot dormies - makes you wonder how they got into uni!
Post by: jolrei on 2008 May 15, 17:25:59
Weird i have played all my sims through Uni since day one and have yet to have a dormie die or even pass out

You have to have nouniprotect installed to get this - otherwise your dormies remain invulnerable.

Title: Re: idiot dormies - makes you wonder how they got into uni!
Post by: Lion on 2008 May 15, 18:48:03
I don't really do divorces. Ever. Indiscretions end in death. Only reason Julius Lowe got to live after impregnating his girlfriend's sister is because he wasn't actually engaged to his girlfriend at the time, and everyone had a piece of her sister. Oversoul = vengeful and decisive. Polygamy (non-sexist style) is a given at some point, but no one has yet presented themselves as a Free Love Cult founder. I had hopes for Bonnie, but she ended up being all about the sex and not at all about the love.

I love hearing about your 'hood, Zazazu. In my hood that was started by 8 sims and no townies (all female, all lesbian, in order to have the highest chance of populating into future generations), I start to have dramas and characters, thanks for ACR, fightclub, and other awesome mods. I have one stud (can it be used for females?) -- who impregnated or had children with 4 sims and fathered/mothered 8 out of total 15 children -- that is not a romance sim, two couples banded together and hated each other to guts, one trouble maker who is now enemy with everybody except her lover just quit job the other day (I thought that was impossible, because I have come in low pay kind of hack to prevent employees from quitting). So I'm thinking what kind of outcast she should become now. 1/3 of the next generation just turned teen, and already one girl is poised to be a social butterfly, generating 2 bolts among all unrelated teen boys. One boy, although rollled up as a heterosextual, is really gay in everything he does. I think I should just let him be. All adults are single mothers living separately with no go steady/engagement/marriage from my part. One couple though went steady on their own (I didn't think that is possible). Now that I have quite some offsprings, and the women seem to have stopped becoming pregnant (I have risky woohoo and quiet pregnancy), I start to think maybe I should make them official, at least some of them.