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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: marisalianex on 2008 May 09, 15:30:26

Title: Problems with trees and crashing game
Post by: marisalianex on 2008 May 09, 15:30:26
I installed all my sims games yesterday on my newly redone computer. They all worked before now now when i go on all the trees look funny and if i try to go to a house or family the game says it crashed and yadda yadda. Anyone know what could be wrong? Heres a picture of the trees and stuff.

if that doesnt work click here..

Title: Re: Problems with trees and crashing game
Post by: Emma on 2008 May 09, 21:57:45
Have you got custom tree recolours? Could be causing that.

Title: Re: Problems with trees and crashing game
Post by: Solowren on 2008 May 10, 04:38:59
Custom tree recolors seems like it. It looks like a missing texture file.

Title: Re: Problems with trees and crashing game
Post by: marisalianex on 2008 May 10, 05:12:16
Well i just put it on my computer for the first time so how could that be it?  And i dont understand why the game crashes when i try to open a family or house.  Could it be something with my driver?

Title: Re: Problems with trees and crashing game
Post by: marisalianex on 2008 May 10, 05:14:53
Oh and... custom tree recolours im not quite sure what that is, so im assuming since i just put it on my computer that i dont have it.  Lol

Title: Re: Problems with trees and crashing game
Post by: leaths on 2008 May 10, 06:19:14
I was late to the game getting Seasons and missed the pre-patch bug fun, so I'm not positive about this, but wasn't there some kind of tree problem with the unpatched Seasons game? Someone with a better memory might be able to say if this was the problem or not. But until then, have you patched your game?

Title: Re: Problems with trees and crashing game
Post by: notveryawesome on 2008 May 10, 08:32:04
There was a tree problem with the unpatched Seasons game, but it wasn't this. It was that the 'ghost' images of the trees in the neighbourhood became wonky on family lots. There were 'hood trees inside houses, in the middle of the road, etc, but there were no missing texture files. Still, it can't hurt to patch. If that doesn't work, re-installing might help. It's possible that the Objects.package file has been corrupted, though it seems odd for this to happen directly after a first installation.

Title: Re: Problems with trees and crashing game
Post by: marisalianex on 2008 May 10, 17:17:44
I dont have seasons so i dont think that would be it.  I have sims 2, University, nightlife, Open for buisness, and i just bought bon voyage 2 days ago.  Thats why i decided to install it on my computer.  I think im going to uninstall them and reinstall and see if that works or something.  Anyone else have any other ideas on what maybe causing this?  Or any ideas about why my game crashes when i click on a house or family? 


Title: Re: Problems with trees and crashing game
Post by: marisalianex on 2008 May 10, 17:28:25
So i just took all the games off except the actual sims 2 game.  The trees were still the same way and the game still crashes.  That leaves me to believe that when my computer was redone something was done wrong.  Any imput?  Its weird though because other games work on here.  I just wish i could get it to work

Title: Re: Problems with trees and crashing game
Post by: morriganrant on 2008 May 10, 19:52:56
Remove the Sims2 as well, as it may be a corrupt objects.package or another corrupt file, then reinstall. You may want to run the game after each install to see if the problem crops up again, before you go through installing the rest.