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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: gynarchy on 2008 May 07, 17:47:23

Title: No Bills At Dorms
Post by: gynarchy on 2008 May 07, 17:47:23
I'm not exactly sure when this started but my Sims no longer receive bills while they are living in dormitories. The mail carrier arrives as usual, walks to the front of the mailbox, and then immediately walks back to the sidewalk to do her little idle thing before leaving. I thought it might be the mailbox cover so I tried both the original and the awesome versions and still nothing. I cleared everything out of the ordinary on the lot debugger and made sure there was no invalid mail with TJ's college adjuster. I even moved my Sims to a new dorm, thinking it was just something wonky on the old lot but still no bills. The mail gets delivered without issue at the campus Greek houses and back in the regular neighborhood. I have all EPs/SPs and HCDU shows nothing out of the ordinary. No errors occur so there is no log to share.

Title: Re: No Bills At Dorms
Post by: Lord Darcy on 2008 May 07, 18:02:21
AFAIR, this happens when all dorm residents were born ingame. Move one CAS YA into the dorm, and the bill will arrive as usual.

Title: Re: No Bills At Dorms
Post by: gynarchy on 2008 May 07, 18:04:28
Fascinating, that never would have occurred to me. Thanks for the tip!

Title: Re: No Bills At Dorms
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 May 07, 18:11:54
Actually, I've had b.i.g. sims get dorm bills, but only if I move them into a brand-new, never-played-before dorm.  If you keep reusing the same dorms over and over, the objects in them eventually depreciated to nothing, so there's no bill for them.  I discovered this when I got tired of seeing the same dorms over and over generation after generation and went on a hunt for new pre-made dorms.

Title: Re: No Bills At Dorms
Post by: gynarchy on 2008 May 07, 18:32:16
I reused a dorm once but after having one of those mysterious "OMG! Scratchy icon thought bubble! Eek!" spots now I always bulldoze the dorm when my Sims leave and replace it with a new copy from the lot bin. I have been using  this dorm (,7721.0.html) without a problem since my founder started Uni, but when the bills stopped coming I downloaded a couple more to see if it was just that one lot.

ETA: Problem solved with the addition of a new CAS dormie, just as Lord Darcy suggested. Thanks again!

Title: Re: No Bills At Dorms
Post by: Berney on 2008 May 07, 20:45:33
It's great that this issue was solved, but why does it occur? (Just curious.)

Title: Re: No Bills At Dorms
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 May 07, 22:14:13
I have been using  this dorm (,7721.0.html) without a problem since my founder started Uni, but when the bills stopped coming I downloaded a couple more to see if it was just that one lot.

Oh, yea, I grabbed Nec's 2 dorms -- they're pretty nice.  I also have some from MTS2 that were made by starrling -- her Brixham set has a lot of nice uni buildings (and others).

Title: Re: No Bills At Dorms
Post by: kuronue on 2008 May 13, 19:39:29
It's great that this issue was solved, but why does it occur? (Just curious.)

I believe the idea is that sims with families have their parents cover their bills, wheras CAS YAs don't have anyone to foot the bill so get to pay their own bills  ::)

Title: Re: No Bills At Dorms
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 May 13, 21:39:11
I think you're giving EAxis too much credit there. I don't believe there was any logical sense to it. That CAS sims get bills is because EAxis forgot to tie some necessary coding into CAS creation that is normally implemented when you move a sim over from the base 'hood.

I don't think there should be dorm bills as I make everything rough for them as it is. No dorm bills and free land is about the only thing my sims get handed to them. Scholarships go to their tuition unless their parents are rich and can afford the $20k or $8k (depending on the school) or if they are kids of the mayor and going to the tech school. Then they have nothing and can suffer to get to the point where they can put a roof over their heads and pay their 10% property taxes every season, as well as their mortgages.

Title: Re: No Bills At Dorms
Post by: Figwit on 2008 May 14, 03:46:23
Actually I wondered if it had something to do with one of the scholarships the students can get awarded. I always use the same dorm (though different games) and always have born-in-game sims. Sometimes they get bills and sometimes they don't. I have never taken note of what particular scholarships they got prior to going to Uni but I assumed that maybe there was one that covered the cost of Uni.