Title: Less Ballet Advertising: Testers needed Post by: Zazazu on 2008 May 04, 18:15:35 The attached changes the fun advertising of the ballet bar down to a more reasonable level. Specifically, it now advertises at the same level as the cheap telescope. Sims can still use the bar autonomously, but will no longer use it in favor of nearly all other objects, sending your visitors home in just an hour due to their plie-induced stink.
Seems to be working perfectly in my game, but testing is appreciated. Obviously requires FreeTime. EDIT: Thanks to jfade and Inge for pushes in the right direction, as I am blind. Title: Re: Less Ballet Advertising: Testers needed Post by: keirra on 2008 May 04, 23:25:46 Thanks Zazazu, I will try it in my game.
Title: Re: Less Ballet Advertising: Testers needed Post by: Assmitten on 2008 May 05, 00:09:04 Thanks, I will try this tonight. I had just locked the barre up for household only, along with the viomolin. :p Stupid balleting visitors.
Title: Re: Less Ballet Advertising: Testers needed Post by: Zazazu on 2008 May 05, 05:16:42 Visitors can still use it, but if there's pretty much any other fun object on the lot, they won't. I didn't want to lock it out completely from visitors because I have a ballet studio home biz planned.
Title: Re: Less Ballet Advertising: Testers needed Post by: Assmitten on 2008 May 05, 15:43:45 Looks like it's working. Now it's all violin, all the time. :D
Title: Re: Less Ballet Advertising: Testers needed Post by: abelle on 2008 May 05, 16:24:06 I havenīt had any problems with it either. The nanny now watches TV again.
Title: Re: Less Ballet Advertising: Testers needed Post by: Assmitten on 2008 May 05, 18:45:11 I wish they were more polite. Maybe in Sims 3 there will be a "ask permission before using someone's personal property" feature.
Title: Re: Less Ballet Advertising: Testers needed Post by: Zazazu on 2008 May 05, 18:56:43 I havenīt had any problems with it either. The nanny now watches TV again. Ew, I hadn't even thought what would happen in a ballet bar + nanny scenario. I haven't used a nanny in ages. My sims now either have at least one parent working at home or they use vacation days or one quits (this is fine since I roll for career level on sims who aren't going to get a career LTW, so I get a lot of 2-4 max levelled sims...quit and restart doesn't affect things much).Title: Re: Less Ballet Advertising: Testers needed Post by: abelle on 2008 May 05, 19:48:50 Yep, that hack is really appreciated as I had to delete all the ballet bars. Sims needed so long to snap out of this and my toddlers were sleeping on the floor all the time, or starving. At least the TV is much faster abandoned and the nanny at least sometimes takes care of the spawn again.
Title: Re: Less Ballet Advertising: Testers needed Post by: nekonoai on 2008 May 05, 20:18:08 Thanks, I will try this tonight. I had just locked the barre up for household only, along with the viomolin. :p Stupid balleting visitors. speaking of viomolin... the game could use a saxomophone :D Thanks Zaza, this is just what I need... Title: Re: Less Ballet Advertising: Testers needed Post by: simsforaranya on 2008 May 05, 21:33:49 :D Thank you soooo much! I was going crazy from dates going down the toilet because the dated person wouldn't get off the barre.
Title: Re: Less Ballet Advertising: Testers needed Post by: keirra on 2008 May 05, 23:59:31 It's working great for me. None of the visitors paid any attention to it. When I put the career rewards ballet bar in, the first visitor I had used it. I will definitely be using your fixed bar instead of the rewards one.
Title: Re: Less Ballet Advertising: Testers needed Post by: Hecubus on 2008 May 06, 00:14:34 It works great in my game. It was a great idea and a great execution. Baaaaa.