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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Dbnguy on 2008 April 26, 08:35:05

Title: Neighbour Hood Road Flooded
Post by: Dbnguy on 2008 April 26, 08:35:05
Hi Guys,

I placed a lot in my neighbourhood which sank the neighbouring road and caused it to "flood" :-)

Is there any way I can fix this???? I have tried a program called lot adjuster, but cant seem to get anywhere near the road as now, I cannot even place an empty lot next to that flooded road.

Pic below:

Thanks in advance...

Title: Re: Neighbour Hood Road Flooded
Post by: lechapeau on 2008 April 26, 10:54:41
Can you either place a large lot with it's front end facing that edge of the road just outside of the image, opposite the red stop sign, so that the lot's side edge straightens and brings the flooded road back to normal?
Or place smaller lots at the crossroads where the ground is level, then either delete and replace the empty lot with a slightly larger lot size each time to bring each new lot to the same level which should straighten the road, or continue to place small lots side by side, with each one bringing the road up bit by bit as you go along...

Title: Re: Neighbour Hood Road Flooded
Post by: Emma on 2008 April 26, 11:00:50
If you have Freetime, there is the neighbourhood terrain cheat.

Title: Re: Neighbour Hood Road Flooded
Post by: maxon on 2008 April 26, 11:01:27
If you have Free Time maybe you could make use of the cheat which allows you to change the ground level of the neighbourhood - I think you need to use a lot (haven't tried it) put you can raise or lower the ground with a lot placed next to the sunken bit and see if that helps.  

Title: Re: Neighbour Hood Road Flooded
Post by: Kyna on 2008 April 26, 13:49:59
No point in me mentioning the easy way to fix it if you have Free Time, since that's already been said twice.

If you don't have Free Time and don't mind losing the hood decorations, try some Neighbourhood Terrain Surgery. (,151.0.html)

Title: Re: Neighbour Hood Road Flooded
Post by: Lion on 2008 April 26, 15:34:15
Looks like this program (at MTS2 by Mootilda ( can do the terrain surgery AND keep decorations.  ;D Haven't tried it myself.

Title: Re: Neighbour Hood Road Flooded
Post by: Quinctia on 2008 April 26, 18:19:06
The couple times it happened to me, I kept playing around with blank lots and such until I got it back.  I do have the lot placement hacked a bit, and I was using a lowered terrain neighborhood, though, so it wasn't as hard as it could be.  The only annoying thing is it completely ruined my community dock and I had to move the lot.

Flooded lots can look nice, but they are such a pain in the ass sometimes.

I would definitely try any way you can think of to use blank lots to raise the terrain back up the old level before messing around with outside programs, just because that could potentially make your hood look odd in other ways.

Title: Re: Neighbour Hood Road Flooded
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 April 26, 21:44:43
I do have the lot placement hacked a bit
Wait. Explain, please? This sounds interesting.

Title: Re: Neighbour Hood Road Flooded
Post by: Quinctia on 2008 April 27, 00:26:43
Well, I downloaded something to do it for me, but it's the same difference.  :P

The file is here (  It increases the slope value you can place a lot at.  Since I'm currently building up a custom island hood, I'm using a lot of flooded lots, so I finally broke down and grabbed the one with the value of 50.  (I don't have BV or FT, so I don't know how beach lots change these things, plus I can't modify my terrain.)  Before, it took very specific circumstances for me to plunk down a sloped lot to flood it, but now I can pretty much do it up and down the coastline--I just can't put anything down close to something I've already built.  I'm going for things that look like this ( up and down the coastline of the hood, with most of the normal community lots further inland on flat land.

Obviously, if you place things willy-nilly with the change in values, stuff will get even more deformed than it usually can.  Though I suppose it makes it a little easier to fix the deformation with the ol' placing more flat lots trick.

This one ( looks interesting, too...though I'm trying to make lots that are still playable, so I haven't needed anything that extreme.

Title: Re: Neighbour Hood Road Flooded
Post by: Ellatrue on 2008 April 29, 03:01:00
Can you either place a large lot with it's front end facing that edge of the road just outside of the image, opposite the red stop sign, so that the lot's side edge straightens and brings the flooded road back to normal?
Or place smaller lots at the crossroads where the ground is level, then either delete and replace the empty lot with a slightly larger lot size each time to bring each new lot to the same level which should straighten the road, or continue to place small lots side by side, with each one bringing the road up bit by bit as you go along...

If you don't have the freetime cheat available to you, this is pretty much the way to do it. However, you have to delete the lot that caused the problem in the first place.