More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: professorbutters on 2008 April 21, 04:05:32

Title: Hello, which gender are you?
Post by: professorbutters on 2008 April 21, 04:05:32
My Pleasure Sim was working her way through 50 First Dates and asked for a male sim.  A female townie was dropped and I thought, "oh, well, guess I hit the wrong button," and then "she" started talking in the deep male voice--about learning how to walk, of all things.

Is this something I ought to worry about?  I can't reset the townie, as I do not have SimPE (and can't get it, as it is unavailable for Macs.)


Title: Re: Hello, which gender are you?
Post by: Simsbaby on 2008 April 21, 07:08:32
If you don't have Fleatime, it might be worth downloading InSim to change that sims sex. Make her/him selectable and (I think, i'm not sure) spawn the personality adjuster. You should be able to change the sex of the sim like that. Freaky stuff in this game.

Title: Re: Hello, which gender are you?
Post by: snabul on 2008 April 21, 15:07:36
That is Divine singing, "walk like a man, talk like a man" or something like this.

Am I feeding a troll?

Title: Re: Hello, which gender are you?
Post by: aqualectrix on 2008 April 21, 19:14:42
Nah, the Professor's no troll.

Title: Re: Hello, which gender are you?
Post by: twistingsims on 2008 April 21, 19:29:57
What a concidence!  :o

While I was playing last night, I took one of my playables downtown, two different lots, and I swore I heard a male voice coming out of a female townie, in both lots!  She was actually just chatting with another townie! Freaky!  I just figured it was my imagination as it was late or just another wonderful glitch of FT ???

I'll have to see if that happens again when I play tonight!  :D

PS  Professorbutters is an awesome storyteller too!

Title: Re: Hello, which gender are you?
Post by: Simsbaby on 2008 April 21, 19:34:09
Apparently someone had a girl in a legacy, she had all her clothes and furnishings in pink. Anyway, the guy heard an xylophone and when he went to find out what it was, the girl was standing up peeing into the toilet.  :D

Title: Re: Hello, which gender are you?
Post by: professorbutters on 2008 April 21, 19:46:58
Thanks, Simsbaby.  I have InSim but I've never tried doing that.  Maybe I should, though, as evidently the game has "her" flagged as a male.

Title: Re: Hello, which gender are you?
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 April 21, 20:12:26
Nah, the Professor's no troll.
Plus, I've heard of this happening before.

Title: Re: Hello, which gender are you?
Post by: twistingsims on 2008 April 23, 00:23:04
So I played my game last night and Tiffany Zarubin, one of the dedicated Garden Club Sims, when she talked, it was one of the male voices!
That is very strange as it has never happened to me before ???  Any idea what it could be?

Title: Re: Hello, which gender are you?
Post by: talysman on 2008 April 23, 04:16:05
If it's just the voice, and it's a one-time event, it's just a glitch. That happens on occasion with my sims. There will be two females talking, and I'll hear a male voice, so I'll pause the game and start looking for another sim; nope, no hidden males. And the voices go back to normal.

Title: Re: Hello, which gender are you?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 April 29, 02:23:55
My Pleasure Sim was working her way through 50 First Dates and asked for a male sim.  A female townie was dropped and I thought, "oh, well, guess I hit the wrong button," and then "she" started talking in the deep male voice--about learning how to walk, of all things.
It'd be funnier if it had still been a "female", like Doctor Girlfriend. But no, I think your game is borked if that happens and it's not just a voice glitch, but the sim actually behaves as a male.

Title: Re: Hello, which gender are you?
Post by: professorbutters on 2008 April 29, 15:55:55
No, I'm afraid something was actually wrong with "Amy."  I summoned her to the lot and her clothes options were male, so "she" was really a he.  She was also an NPC, probably the cop who was spawned when Dorian Kauker was married in, though I do not remember seeing her showing up in a cop function.  I tried "fixing" her to exhibit female behavior, and this resulted in her plumbbob being relocated to her neck. Something was most definitely wrong with Amy.  I would have tried fixing her or deleting her in SimPE, but I have a Mac, so I do not have it.

She was only known to the Pleasure Sim who dated her, so I quietly killed her, spawned a new cop, and hoped for the best.  Since this has only happened once, and since I'm on generation seven of my Legacy, I plan to keep going.  I have backups if I need them, and copies of my critical Sims if I need to recreate.