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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: cwieberdink on 2005 October 30, 21:35:19

Title: Fine. I didn't want your help anyway!
Post by: cwieberdink on 2005 October 30, 21:35:19
Since installing the patch, I no longer have any university related influence options (not even grayed out).  So, no option to influence that annoying random dormie to do the term paper.  THe option is completely gone.  Anyone else have this problem?  Eep.  I hope there's a fix for this.

C ???

Title: Re: Fine. I didn't want your help anyway!
Post by: cabelle on 2005 October 30, 22:15:56
What's strange is that I don't ever remember having the option to "influence to do my term paper." I looked a few times and it never came up in the influence options for my college sims. Very annoying when the sim I was playing rolled that want. I rarely got the option to "influence to do my assignment" either. More proof that just like Sims1, Sims2 is possessed. Wish I knew what to tell you, the only thing I'm wondering is if it has to do with majors. Does the sim you influence to do the work have to be the same major, I don't know. Sorry I'm not much help.

Title: Re: Fine. I didn't want your help anyway!
Post by: ElviraGoth on 2005 October 30, 23:27:15
Not all of my sims roll those wants, but a few do.

I'm not sure, but I think it may be a combination of things relating to your sim.  My knowledge sims never seem to roll that want, but some popularity sims do.  I'm not sure if it has anything to do with laziness or not, but it seems that a knowledge sim who's lazy won't roll the "influence to do my assignment/term paper", but a popularity (and maybe romance?) sim who's lazy will.  I haven't really paid attention to the laziness factor that much, so I'm not positive about that, but maybe someone else who's more awsome than me (by a long shot!) can give more help.

Title: Re: Fine. I didn't want your help anyway!
Post by: cwieberdink on 2005 October 31, 00:02:02
For me, it's not a problem of rolling the wants, but they are unable to do the action at all.  No one is.  Of any personality.


Title: Re: Fine. I didn't want your help anyway!
Post by: cabelle on 2005 October 31, 00:57:04
I didn't mean to add the confusion about the wants for influencing a sim to do their term paper or assignment, sorry. I just meant that when my sim would roll the want, I didn't have the option to do it. I still wonder if it has something to do with needing to find a sim with the same major, or do you need to have enough "influence points" to be able to have the option? Maybe for the term paper your sim needs to be at a high influence level to be able to do it. :-\

Title: Re: Fine. I didn't want your help anyway!
Post by: Hook on 2005 October 31, 01:07:45
Major doesn't matter, but you do need to have 2,500 influence points to have the option appear, as that's what it costs.  You also need to have a computer available.

If you don't have an undone assignment on the lot, you shouldn't get the Influence/Do Assignment option.

No idea why someone with all the necessary qualifications to get these options wouldn't get them.  Unless it's a... DUN DUN DUNNNN... conflicting hack. :)


Title: Re: Fine. I didn't want your help anyway!
Post by: cwieberdink on 2005 October 31, 01:38:01
No idea why someone with all the necessary qualifications to get these options wouldn't get them.  Unless it's a... DUN DUN DUNNNN... conflicting hack. :)


most likely woolprop or some such.  Bleh.  I finally found what was causing those blank wants though... see other thread


Title: Re: Fine. I didn't want your help anyway!
Post by: cabelle on 2005 October 31, 01:40:31
That's good to know Hook, thank you. It's possible that every time I looked at the "Influence to..." my sim didn't have enough influence points yet. I usually don't pay too much attention because the "complete term paper" or "complete assignment" want gives me much more aspiration points than the wants for influencing a sim to do them. I usually have my sims influence to clean (serving a meal has proven dangerous as the influenced sim usually sets a fire) for the aspiration points, or influence to flirt, tell a joke or talk for the fun of it (or if it's a way for two certain sims to meet).

Title: Re: Fine. I didn't want your help anyway!
Post by: Hook on 2005 October 31, 01:46:19
I once had a Sim get a want to influence someone to write his term paper, which he did.  The Sim immediately rolled up a want to write a term paper!  So off he goes.

Now, I already knew about the term paper exploit, where you can get double credit if you have one Sim write your paper then write another yourself before the first Sim is finished, but this appears to be validation that it's intentional.

I once had more influence points than good sense, and influenced TWO different Sims to write term papers, then sent my Sim to a third computer to help.  With all that collaboration, it filled the grade meter completely.


Title: Re: Fine. I didn't want your help anyway!
Post by: cwieberdink on 2005 October 31, 01:47:43
I once had a Sim get a want to influence someone to write his term paper, which he did.  The Sim immediately rolled up a want to write a term paper!  So off he goes.

Now, I already knew about the term paper exploit, where you can get double credit if you have one Sim write your paper then write another yourself before the first Sim is finished, but this appears to be validation that it's intentional.

I once had more influence points than good sense, and influenced TWO different Sims to write term papers, then sent my Sim to a third computer to help.  With all that collaboration, it filled the grade meter completely.


Grumble grumble... it'd be nice to not have to write them anymore..... The option is not even grayed out... it's just not there.


Title: Re: Fine. I didn't want your help anyway!
Post by: rohina on 2005 October 31, 07:56:26
I had that problem in a greek house and I finally worked out it was that stupid alien computer - no one could write term papers or influence people to do it. Can you get sims to write the papers themselves? If not, you might want to check the computers on the lot.

Title: Re: Fine. I didn't want your help anyway!
Post by: cwieberdink on 2005 October 31, 10:58:21
I had that problem in a greek house and I finally worked out it was that stupid alien computer - no one could write term papers or influence people to do it. Can you get sims to write the papers themselves? If not, you might want to check the computers on the lot.

Yes, they can write the paper themselves.  Just no influence.


Title: Re: Fine. I didn't want your help anyway!
Post by: rohina on 2005 October 31, 21:21:07
Well then, all I can think is that you have inadvertently downloaded an anti-plagiarism hack. There's obviously a disgruntled professor out there who doesn't like all the cheating, and wants to put a stop to it.

Title: Re: Fine. I didn't want your help anyway!
Post by: Hook on 2005 October 31, 21:28:43
CHEATING!??  Hey, the professors are more than happy to collaborate on your term papers!  Whatever happened to Publish or Perish?  :D
