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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: AllenABQ on 2005 October 29, 19:28:15

Title: buying clothes at home
Post by: AllenABQ on 2005 October 29, 19:28:15
I just downloaded the hacked computer from MTS2 that allows you to buy clothes online.

I was wondering is there a global mod that gives this ability to all computers?  Or are we strictly limited to hacked objects?

Title: Re: buying clothes at home
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 29, 19:35:51
JM has a simple hack which just allows you to buy the clothes from a little package like the clothing pack they take to the cashdesk.  Does everything at once, too, including changing appearance.

Title: Re: buying clothes at home
Post by: AllenABQ on 2005 October 29, 19:49:27
JM has a simple hack which just allows you to buy the clothes from a little package like the clothing pack they take to the cashdesk.  Does everything at once, too, including changing appearance.

Cool.  I just grabbed it from the hack listing.  I assume we find it somewhere in the object catalog?

P.S. - I also noticed its in the "UPDATED - IN TESTING" list by Boris.

Title: Re: buying clothes at home
Post by: reggikko on 2005 October 29, 19:52:08
JM has a simple hack which just allows you to buy the clothes from a little package like the clothing pack they take to the cashdesk.  Does everything at once, too, including changing appearance.

Cool.  I just grabbed it from the hack listing.  I assume we find it somewhere in the object catalog?

P.S. - I also noticed its in the "UPDATED - IN TESTING" list by Boris.

It's in Misc, Misc. I've been using it with NL with no problems. I love it because you can change toddlers' appearance. No more default hair!

Title: Re: buying clothes at home
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 29, 19:53:38
I think it still works, can't actually remember if I've used it since NL, as it's so easy to send the sims to the clothing store!  (Also cheaper.)  But the object will appear in Misc/Misc in the Buy section.

You seem to have pipped me at the post, Reg!  Glad to see your PC is still working OK!

Title: Re: buying clothes at home
Post by: Venusy on 2005 October 29, 23:46:39
The clothingtool itself works fine in NL, it's the clothingtools globals that are been updated. I'm not sure what needs updating, but I've taken the globals out in case of game exploding in a BFBVFS*.

* Big Firey Ball Visible From Space

Title: Re: buying clothes at home
Post by: Ms.Perception on 2005 October 29, 23:52:18
I think the global is fine. Or at least I have it in my game and so far its not a BFBVFS. But time will tell.

Title: Re: buying clothes at home
Post by: Dea on 2005 October 30, 00:05:29
I think the global is fine. Or at least I have it in my game and so far its not a BFBVFS. But time will tell.

I have it in my game to and I use it everyday...Dont think anything has gone wrong yet...

Title: Re: buying clothes at home
Post by: Sagana on 2005 October 30, 00:47:28
One of the things I really like about the computer is the ability to change any one or all sims on the lot into everyday or formal or whatever immediately with no animation (and doesn't require the sim to be using the computer) - so if they don't have time for a shower, they can still quickly change clothes to go to class, or if you want the date to be formal, you can switch both of you to formal clothes (as long as your date actually owns formal clothes) or at least out of work clothes. It won't plan outfits so dressers are still necessary (I consider this a plus :)) but takes some of the tedium out of making sure they're properly dressed for the occasion.

Does JMs hack do something like this as well? (If it does I'll switch to that for the clothing stuff, and just use the computer for the work at home options and won't need one in every house.)

Title: Re: buying clothes at home
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 30, 01:05:05
Inge has doors at Simlogical that do that, the sim goes through the door and hey presto, evening dress - you could put them in your restaurants so all the sims on the lot would be in the right clothes.

Title: Re: buying clothes at home
Post by: Sagana on 2005 October 30, 01:27:29
good point, thanks :) <writes it down for the new downtown>

still need the computer for when my uni sims are late for class tho - I just can't stand having them attend in their pjs ;) I suppose I could put one of Inge's doors on the front door, so they always get dressed when they leave the house...

Title: Re: buying clothes at home
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 30, 01:30:06
Well, it saves you having to do anything!  Personally I rather like it when my sims go to class in their undies!  "We know what you've been doing!"

Title: Re: buying clothes at home
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 October 30, 01:31:57
Well, it saves you having to do anything!  Personally I rather like it when my sims go to class in their undies!  "We know what you've been doing!"

You little devil!  :D

Title: Re: buying clothes at home
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 30, 01:37:37
LOL!  I had one sim who was very outgoing, so I gave her Hairfish's nude pj's, nude undies, nude swimwear and nude PE kit - I don't think she EVER went to class in her hula skirt!

Title: Re: buying clothes at home
Post by: Sagana on 2005 October 30, 01:58:00
"We know what you've been doing!"

Well if they'd been "doing" anything, it wouldn't be so bad. But mostly all they've been doing is sleeping... They've just got an incompetent God(dess) who can't get them dressed in time, and really do I wanna show off my poor planning skills to all them sim profs? ;)

Title: Re: buying clothes at home
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 30, 02:04:12
On the other hand, if they've slept till the last moment, they must be fully refreshed and learn fast!  And considering most of the profs are nymphos etc., I shouldn't think they mind!

Title: Re: buying clothes at home
Post by: Sagana on 2005 October 30, 02:53:33
lol - too true, tho I'm pretending I don't know that ;)

Title: Re: buying clothes at home
Post by: windy_moon on 2005 October 30, 04:14:49
Does JMs hack do something like this as well? (If it does I'll switch to that for the clothing stuff, and just use the computer for the work at home options and won't need one in every house.)

I use JM's pile-o-clothes for all my shopping, but the best thing about it is how comprehensive it is.  I can't imagine doing an age transition without it. Tres efficient.

I don't know about your Sims, but a lot of my Sims look horribly lame when they transition.  Bad hair, yucky clothes, etc.  So bad I often don't even want to take pictures of them in that state!  (Toddler hair, I don't want to talk, yick!)

One click on "pick new clothes" and you can buy new clothes, plan outfits, and fix appearance step-by-step.  I like the step-by-step part as I can't forget to plan all of their outfits at one time and am not surprised by default choices later on.

Another one of my "how did I play this game without this before" tools.

Title: Re: buying clothes at home
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 30, 09:05:36
You do need to have about 1500 simoleons in the kitty though!

Title: Re: buying clothes at home
Post by: windy_moon on 2005 October 30, 09:10:01
You do need to have about 1500 simoleons in the kitty though!

Yes, JM's way of shopping is not cheap!  :P

FWIW, I use his clothing tool even when my Sims are broke at transition, because it takes me through each one of the steps without my having to think about it.  I just X out, rather than buy, and get to rummage through to see what else is in the dresser to plan each outfit...and then change appearance.

My Sim families are finally starting to have enough money that I can usually buy.

Title: Re: buying clothes at home
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 30, 09:17:32
Or you could Kaching and reason that it's Maxis fault you need to do it - if the defaults wren't so dreadful, you could live with them!

Title: Re: buying clothes at home
Post by: Sagana on 2005 October 30, 11:24:35
Or you could Kaching and reason that it's Maxis fault you need to do it - if the defaults wren't so dreadful, you could live with them!

Yeah! Even if I'm playing (rather than building and putting sims in to see how it plays or running some story where the person is supposed to be rich) and don't allow myself money cheats, I will for clothes (with some limits). I'm repeating myself, but dang it I didn't download all that stuff just to have it sit there - they're supposed to wear it.

And the first thing I do is change appearance the toddlers. Awful hair and pink tux, hmph no way. Off to get the clothing pile :)

Title: Re: buying clothes at home
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 30, 12:09:29
You can use the dma teleport thing to change all sims outfits on the lot at once, also. No need for any sim to do anything. 

Title: Re: buying clothes at home
Post by: Hairfish on 2005 October 31, 10:59:33
I finally installed JMP's Clothing Tool, and must say...I don't know how I lived without it before. It's THE best thing in the world for testing new skins! Since my testing families are motherloded to high heaven anyway, the extra cost is not a problem.  ;D

Title: Re: buying clothes at home
Post by: LynnMar on 2005 October 31, 13:27:30
I second that,  I just installed it last night.    I am crazy about the clothing tool, it is the neatest thing since white bread.    ;D

I didn't know JM had a hack like this,  he has a lot more stuff that I am going to have to check out, damn,  he really  is more awesome than us.