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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: SmilingSweetly on 2008 April 07, 15:09:37

Title: Free Will Borked?
Post by: SmilingSweetly on 2008 April 07, 15:09:37
Not quite sure what happened here. I created a 4 person family and played them fine all day Saturday. I save and go to neighborhood to create another 4 person family, plunk them down into a home and I noticed that two of the four just stood there doing nothing. If I give them something to do (ie use terlet) they will do it then just stand there after they have completed the action. The other two continue about doing what Sims do.

I thought perhaps the house was borked so I quit that house (without saving), removed family and deleted house. I then created a 3 person family, plunked them into an older house I have used for many other families, and again, only two would go about doing Simish stuff while the third just stands there doing nothing until told to. I then created a 2 person family to test my "guess" and sure enough, those two went about things just fine.

So the problem seems to be if there are more than two people in the household, all but two act as if free will is turned off. I don't understand what changed from the 4 person family that I played all day just fine to the 2 persons acting fine and everyone else not.

I have all EPs and the hacks I have are the same (updated for FT) that I have been playing for months with no problems. There have been no error messages.

Any help would be appreciated.

ETA to add:  I have the Director's Cut and a few other non-related (at least I believe them to be) hacks (ie Crammyboy's penis, ACR, etc), all of which have been updated for FT.

Title: Re: Free Will Borked?
Post by: Menaceman on 2008 April 07, 16:07:48
This may be a blatantly obvious suggestion but have you tried turning free will off and on again?

Title: Re: Free Will Borked?
Post by: SmilingSweetly on 2008 April 07, 16:10:35
But of course ;) as well as deleting group.cache.