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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: croiduire on 2008 April 07, 04:12:24

Title: Pirate Ghost
Post by: croiduire on 2008 April 07, 04:12:24
Does anyone else think that Captain Dregg was done the way ghosts SHOULD have been done throughout the game? Every time my sims go to the beach I start wondering how hard it would be to use some of his BHAVs as a model to alter the "normal" ghosts...and then I get very (prudently) scared. But it would be so cool to have ghosts with limited interactivity and who actually have individuality. Mean ghosts might be exactly like all ghosts are now, but I'd love having (for example) a grandma ghost whose lifetime want was six grandchildren whose repetitive action was to go around tucking in her numerous descendants (even when they, themselves, were elders) or one who died maxed in music and dance enthusiasm who plays the piano.

Does anyone have any idea how feasible this would be?

Title: Re: Pirate Ghost
Post by: Emma on 2008 April 07, 06:08:50
Aren't ghost supposed to have this sort of behaviour anyway? I've only really had one ghost kept on a playable's lot-and this was waaaaay back with just TS2 installed. The 'grandma ghost' ate food that was placed out, tucked in the children and cleaned the kitchen and bathroom! Has anything changed much since then?

Title: Re: Pirate Ghost
Post by: Haley on 2008 April 07, 06:11:50
I agree with you, croiduire. I wish my ghosts would do something...creative. I have thus gotten so bored and tired of regular ghosts, I simply delete all their gravestones/urns so I have none. All they do is go around scaring toddlers and waking people up. So yeah, Captain Dregg FTW.

Title: Re: Pirate Ghost
Post by: croiduire on 2008 April 07, 06:44:27
Aren't ghost supposed to have this sort of behaviour anyway? I've only really had one ghost kept on a playable's lot-and this was waaaaay back with just TS2 installed. The 'grandma ghost' ate food that was placed out, tucked in the children and cleaned the kitchen and bathroom! Has anything changed much since then?

Um...oh, yeah. In fact, yours is the only ghost I've ever heard of who did that. All mine do is jump out at the living and make them pee their pants.

Title: Re: Pirate Ghost
Post by: Gwill on 2008 April 07, 07:21:51
I have neat ghosts who clean bathrooms, but that's not very excitng.
Mostly they just hover around, cheering at their bed, and scaring people.

Ghosts who died violent deaths do more interesting things, like taunting the cow plant, raiding the fridge and generally complaining, but my playables rarely suffer those fates.

Title: Re: Pirate Ghost
Post by: talysman on 2008 April 07, 07:23:22
It's because they're angry.

What you need to do is figure out what is making the ghost angry and change that, so they are calm again and will do spooky but non-hostile things. If you kicked or moved their grave/urn, to my knowledge, they will never calm down. You will also have problems if they can't find their bed or if another sim is sleeping in it, or if their spouse remarries, or if their family moves out and strangers move in.

Title: Re: Pirate Ghost
Post by: Emma on 2008 April 07, 07:53:21
My happy ghost might have something to do with the fact she died of old age while in platinum mood. She was also a really nice and neat sim while alive.

I had ghost Komei on a lot for one sim night-he was an evil ghost! Made his kids scared and pee themselves and broke all the lamps! I deleted his tombstone once the sun came up. I don't think he was happy because his wife had moved her lover in and they had bought a new bed.

Title: Re: Pirate Ghost
Post by: spaceface on 2008 April 07, 09:55:48
Ghosts who died prematurely act out their deaths, which is amusing. When I started playing, I created a family and killed them off to try out all the different kinds of ghosts. Neat ghosts do clean, ghosts who drowned run baths of water and make a mess, and stereos and TVs also get switched on by angry ghosts. My favourite is the ghosts on beach lots, who swim in the sea, but I would like it if there could be more interactions than just scaring.

Title: Re: Pirate Ghost
Post by: buddha pest on 2008 April 10, 01:26:48
All they do is go around scaring toddlers and waking people up.
I've never seen a ghost scare a toddler. Ever.

They usually have the "See a Ghost" fear, but I've never seen it fullfilled.

Am I missing out? Do they shit their diapers or anything charming like that?

Title: Re: Pirate Ghost
Post by: floopyboo on 2008 April 10, 02:03:05
It's pretty much the same as an adult but without the puddle. The constant whining & crying makes you wish you had a smite option useable on the purelie creatures.

Title: Re: Pirate Ghost
Post by: gynarchy on 2008 April 10, 02:03:41
I've had ghosts wake up sleeping toddlers by playing the xylophone or if they're awake, they'll get a thought bubble of the ghost who passes by but I've never seen a toddler scared by a ghost before.

Title: Re: Pirate Ghost
Post by: buddha pest on 2008 April 10, 02:18:04
Do they have to be idle for it to happen or something?

My toddlers are rarely idle. Pretty much never actually.

Title: Re: Pirate Ghost
Post by: Jelenedra on 2008 April 10, 15:13:47
I just think that they messed up Cap'n Dregg. You should NOT be able to call a ghost!

Title: Re: Pirate Ghost
Post by: jolrei on 2008 April 10, 17:11:53
I just think that they messed up Cap'n Dregg. You should NOT be able to call a ghost!

It's an interesting point.  If anyone could actually prove the existence of ghosts, and could test the market for people who currently use ad hoc methods like ouija boards and seances to contact them, the development of reliable inter-existential communications technology might be a new line for Bell.

"Reach out and let your hand slip through someone."

Title: Re: Pirate Ghost
Post by: Garnet Avi on 2008 April 11, 21:04:30
I haven't had ghost in a long time because I had a huge problem with my ghost scaring sims to death. I lost at least three that way. Is there a way to prevent that from happening? I'd love to play around with ghosts again.

Title: Re: Pirate Ghost
Post by: gynarchy on 2008 April 11, 21:09:24
TwoJeff's Ghost Hack (,15.0.html) gives you the option of having individual ghosts scare only Knowledge Sims or no one at all.

Title: Re: Pirate Ghost
Post by: Gwill on 2008 April 11, 21:10:06
I haven't had ghost in a long time because I had a huge problem with my ghost scaring sims to death. I lost at least three that way. Is there a way to prevent that from happening?

Yes; take better care of your sims.  If their needs weren't so low they wouldn't die.

Title: Re: Pirate Ghost
Post by: Kyna on 2008 April 12, 01:03:20
I haven't had ghost in a long time because I had a huge problem with my ghost scaring sims to death. I lost at least three that way. Is there a way to prevent that from happening? I'd love to play around with ghosts again.

Try the ghostbuster from the objects directory (

It's a sign that it is purchased with aspiration points.  Place it in the rooms you don't want your ghosts to go to, and they will be zapped back to their graves/urns when they enter the room.  Note that they will instantly emerge from their graves again, but will usually not try to return to the room they just got zapped from.  If the graves/urns are in a room (such as a mausoleum) and the sign is in the same room, the ghosts will be zapped back into their graves immediately.  The main exception to this is if you have moved their gravestone - they will come out for one haunting at the spot they died/moved the grave from.

Title: Re: Pirate Ghost
Post by: Gwill on 2008 April 12, 07:44:03
I put the ghostbusters sign in bedrooms to keep ghosts from waking sims up from their beauty sleep.  It might be an idea to put one in rooms where sims are especially voulnerable to death by fright, like a gym (or anywhere else their stats might go into red).