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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: claudiasharon on 2008 April 04, 11:13:19

Title: Game crashes whenever I click on misc->baby/children and decorative->curtains
Post by: claudiasharon on 2008 April 04, 11:13:19
I got a new laptop, very exciting stuff. It has windows Vista, not very exciting. My old laptop has XP. I thought I'd put my sims 2 on the Vista laptop, but instead of putting my sims 2 folder on here, I'd just put the downloads folder in. I really wanted to start fresh, so I figured it'd be fine.

So I was going through buy mode, went to the deco->curtains and the game crashed. I removed every curtain I could find and it still crashes. I went to Parsimonious to redownload some objects they have and ended up going download crazy (but they're all nice, neat and organized and I'm working on putting them in collections). Then when I played my game, I went under misc->kids stuff and the game crashed. When I click on "curtains" or "children" the game automatically crashes, I don't get any errors (only Vista saying "this application has issues and crashed".

Now I had this problem with the Wardrobe and End Table sections of buy mode (both let me get to the second page of their 'gallery of stuff' then crashed). When I went and removed all the wardrobe (dressers) and random end tables (I left the Parsimonious ones in) it stopped crapping out on me. I tried running in debug mode but as I figured it didn't help any.

Has anybody else heard of a similar problem and know how to fix it? I'd really rather not go through and place each object in my downloads folder one at a time. That would take too long and knowing my luck, I'd still have the same issue.

Also, random Vista question: Whenever I close IE it always acts like it's an error and restarts it on me. I use Firefox usually, but some things just won't comply.

Title: Re: Game crashes whenever I click on misc->baby/children and decorative->curtains
Post by: Emma on 2008 April 04, 13:12:40
Try taking out Simaddict's Tiki match stuff. Something (or several somethings) she/he has made in that set crashed my game to desktop.

Title: Re: Game crashes whenever I click on misc->baby/children and decorative->curtain
Post by: mistyk on 2008 April 04, 14:08:03
Try taking out Simaddict's Tiki match stuff. Something (or several somethings) she/he has made in that set crashed my game to desktop.

I agree, I had the same issue whenever I tried to click on the children teddy icon it would crash I took out the tiki match and it stopped crashing...

Title: Re: Game crashes whenever I click on misc->baby/children and decorative->curtain
Post by: seelindarun on 2008 April 04, 19:38:46
If you acquired those sets from the booty, there was something flaky going on, but the same sets from the original source were fine.  I had the same crashing problems, and then waited an age to finally get my mitts on the originals for testing. 

If you still want those sets, try the booty again.  I can't tell if those sets were updated (the booty needs a better system for indicating fixed files really, really badly), but I forwarded everything I had to the fine pirates there.

Title: Re: Game crashes whenever I click on misc->baby/children and decorative->curtain
Post by: claudiasharon on 2008 April 05, 13:37:42
If you acquired those sets from the booty, there was something flaky going on, but the same sets from the original source were fine.  I had the same crashing problems, and then waited an age to finally get my mitts on the originals for testing. 

If you still want those sets, try the booty again.  I can't tell if those sets were updated (the booty needs a better system for indicating fixed files really, really badly), but I forwarded everything I had to the fine pirates there.

I probably did. Thanks for letting me know, I just removed them as I found some great Tikki related things from Parsimonious.