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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: croiduire on 2008 April 02, 21:13:59

Title: Missing Deed
Post by: croiduire on 2008 April 02, 21:13:59
One of my elders bought a vacation home shortly before he died. The deed disappeared from the house. There was no option on the phone to "sell Real Estate" and I just tried taking his heirs on vacation--the house he bought is available for sale and unusable to them. Now, frankly, I'll just give them the money to replace what was lost and let them move in anyway, but this has me puzzled. What happened? Does real estate revert to the "state"? Isn't it supposed to stay with the surviving family members?

Title: Re: Missing Deed
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 April 02, 21:21:23
I think it depends on the relationship level they had when he died, if there's no spouse for it to go to.

Title: Re: Missing Deed
Post by: croiduire on 2008 April 03, 14:28:32
Hmmm...the relationship was very high with the grandchildren who lived with him---100/100 in a couple of cases--and quite good with adult children who lived elsewhere. Would it actually leave the lot as an inheritance?

Title: Re: Missing Deed
Post by: adelegarland on 2008 April 03, 14:58:50
gee, sounds just like RL, the feds got it... probably for back taxes.
I have a hack, mikes transfer vase or something like that, and I think you can transfer all the old boy's things with it to a younger sim before he croaks.  Might head off the problem in the future.  The name of the file is Mike_1102_TransferInventoryVase.package - I think I got it at MTS2.  (Not 100% sure)  Good luck

here 'tis:

Title: Re: Missing Deed
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 April 03, 15:06:59
Hmmm...the relationship was very high with the grandchildren who lived with him---100/100 in a couple of cases--and quite good with adult children who lived elsewhere. Would it actually leave the lot as an inheritance?

It's supposed to, but maybe not down to the grandkid level. I'm pretty sure it doesn't pass to kids living on other lots. The sequence may be: spouse - adult kid living on the same lot - community. But my memory may also be faulty.

Title: Re: Missing Deed
Post by: croiduire on 2008 April 03, 16:20:55
I like the idea that it went for inheritance taxes.  ;D As long as I know it's not a game-breaker sort of bug!

Title: Re: Missing Deed
Post by: eevilcat on 2008 April 03, 16:35:50
From what I remember any title deeds go to the sim with the highest relationship in the same household. I've only been bothered about this once or twice and made sure that the intended recipient was at 100/100 with the deed owner. You can also have the owner pass on business perks to the intended recipient, but you'll need a hack to make that happen in any sensible time frame.

Title: Re: Missing Deed
Post by: seelindarun on 2008 April 03, 20:22:47
Before BV, I had an accidental satellite death, and the business did not pass to either of her elder parents who lived on the same lot with her.  I loved the surprise element in the story of this family, but hated the loss of the business which they'd held for generations, so I decided to see if it could be fixed.  When I reverted to a backup to test, I found that no matter how I killed her off, her deed reverted to the community, and now I think it must be as jsalemi says:

The sequence may be: spouse - adult kid living on the same lot - community. But my memory may also be faulty.

Calyx was single, with no children but was close to both of her parents and siblings.  In the end, I had to have her pass the deed back to her father before I squished her again. :P

Title: Re: Missing Deed
Post by: cwykes on 2008 April 07, 15:08:32
.............. You can also have the owner pass on business perks to the intended recipient, but you'll need a hack to make that happen in any sensible time frame.

If you keep stopping and re-starting the "pass on" it's not so bad.  There's a big boost at the beginning of every interaction, so stop/starting fills that meter fairly fast.  Pes has a hack to do that, but it's not a polished product and  I've gone back to doing it myself.

There's a quote on inheritance rules from the Prima guide in this thread.  Of course it pre-dates BV & vaction homes........,3351.0.html

Title: Re: Missing Deed
Post by: seelindarun on 2008 April 07, 18:47:05
Do you mean fastpass?  I have and use this (though not since I added BV a little while ago), and I'm just curious what you dislike about it?  It seemed to work satisfactorily for me.  ???

Thanks for the link to the earlier discussion, but it's a little vague about how far afield the game will search for 'blood relatives'.  I think EA tacitly assumed that children would outlive their parents, and so the only checks are for a spouse or offspring of suitable age on the same lot.

Title: Re: Missing Deed
Post by: croiduire on 2008 April 08, 01:44:22
Well, in my case, the game certainly didn't look as far as grandchildren, even though they were living on the same lot and had extremely high relationship scores with Grandpa. In my limited experience I have to assume that if the property was not formally deeded over to another sim while the purchaser was alive, absent a spouse or adult offspring on the lot, the property reverts to the community.

Title: Re: Missing Deed
Post by: cwykes on 2008 April 08, 12:44:59
My sims don't die by and large, so I've got no experience of inheriting businesses or vacation homes to contribute.  I do wonder if the rules are the same for both or not.  I also wonder if we know for sure that vacation homes can be inherited.

re Fastpass goes too far in the opposite direction - it's too easy to pass on perks.  The sims jump around as well as I remember.

Title: Re: Missing Deed
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 April 08, 13:51:10
You must manually transfer the lot ownership before killing the owner of a remote lot. Otherwise, while it was SUPPOSED to pass on, this feature doesn't work and the lot usually just gets lost.

Title: Re: Missing Deed
Post by: seelindarun on 2008 April 08, 22:01:49
Do you mean to say that inheritance doesn't work at all?!  :o  For any owned lot other than a home business?  Had no idea it was that seriously borked.  [Takes notes to never to test inheritance.]

Title: Re: Missing Deed
Post by: FourCats on 2008 April 08, 22:30:34
What is "manually transfer?"

Is hanging the deed on the wall for another sim to pick it up?
Can it be given as a gift?
must it be done through the "transfer business interaction?"

Title: Re: Missing Deed
Post by: cwykes on 2008 April 09, 14:10:27
Use "Propose transfer" for household members or sell the business if the new owner is not a household member. 
I do know for sure that transferring the deed to another sim as if it were just a normal object doesn't transfer the business.