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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: selty on 2008 March 29, 12:14:25

Title: I are new user, I need teh help (Please?)
Post by: selty on 2008 March 29, 12:14:25
So basically, I want to figure out how to reset "first-time" cinematics in my household so I my sim can have her second, uh, movie mode...

Is there a way to do this for all cinematics as well?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. A lot.


Title: Re: I are new user, I need teh help (Please?)
Post by: Charamei on 2008 March 29, 12:18:35
The special event cam is triggered for every birth, not just the first one. If it's not triggering for you then that's because you've turned it off.

As far as I'm aware, the only times it's 'first-time only' are First Woohoo and First Kiss, and one of those is a special interaction in any case.

Having said that, I haven't had many Sims with second/third spouses (speece? spice?).

But the SEC definitely triggers for second and third children. Unless it's twins, in which case it'll trigger for the first birth of the two but not the second.

Title: Re: I are new user, I need teh help (Please?)
Post by: selty on 2008 March 29, 12:26:42
Oh, they were twins.
I may have cheated :)

So i'm guessing there is no way to reset the "special event cam"?

Eep oh well, my little tramp will have fun with all her speeces...spices and forced twins without the special event cams.

Title: Re: I are new user, I need teh help (Please?)
Post by: Inge on 2008 March 29, 15:30:55
It's not April 1st yet :)

Title: Re: I are new user, I need teh help (Please?)
Post by: selty on 2008 March 30, 00:29:38

Title: Re: I are new user, I need teh help (Please?)
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 March 30, 00:33:33
All the 'cams' are options under the game options menu (I believe -- I'm away from my sims machine). In any case, the special event camera and pop-up window cam can be toggled on and off.  Check there.

Title: Re: I are new user, I need teh help (Please?)
Post by: Emma on 2008 March 30, 06:29:55
If you have twins you only get the special event camera for the first baby born. There is no way to 'reset' the camera for the second twin birth.

Title: Re: I are new user, I need teh help (Please?)
Post by: Ellatrue on 2008 March 31, 04:11:19
Is this needed for making a movie? I know there are a bunch of cheat codes that affect the cameras  ???

Title: Re: I are new user, I need teh help (Please?)
Post by: kuronue on 2008 March 31, 13:26:03
For a movie you'd want to fake it by having the first birth happen, then (with cameras on) cheat a second baby (use tombstone of L&D or insim or similar) all the way from conception to birth, and film the second birth. They'd have the same birthday, thus making them twins, but you get two camera swoops.