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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Elvie on 2008 March 22, 08:23:39

Title: Eating out and food freshness
Post by: Elvie on 2008 March 22, 08:23:39
Is it possible to make restaurant and BV food cart meals sparkly fresh?

Title: Re: Eating out and food freshness
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 March 22, 09:48:11
Possible? Yes. But I'm not going to.

Title: Re: Eating out and food freshness
Post by: Liz on 2008 March 22, 12:58:04
Curious about why you'd want to do that, Elvie. Given that with fairly skilled cooks and mid-range appliances/counters, my sims have to be pretty much *starving* to finish a sparkly grilled cheese, I'd think having "fresh" restaurant food meals would lead to either a lot of wasted food or rampant weight gain (depending on the hacks you have installed). What did you have this in mind for?

Title: Re: Eating out and food freshness
Post by: FuzzySham on 2008 March 22, 16:56:42
Srsly, when did you ever have a restaurant meal in real life that was sparkly and fresh?  ;)
Besides, what Liz said is right. "Normal" food in a restaurant is enough to fulfill all hunger needs, at least in my game.

Title: Re: Eating out and food freshness
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 March 22, 16:59:30
I'd think having "fresh" restaurant food meals would lead to either a lot of wasted food or rampant weight gain (depending on the hacks you have installed).
Most likely both, which would make it, of course, the height of evil. Hence why I am not going to do it, no matter how much you beg.

Title: Re: Eating out and food freshness
Post by: Elvie on 2008 March 23, 06:45:55
I thought freshness would make the BV food cart meals a better value. They're not very filling.
I understand what you mean about the restaurant meals, though.

Title: Re: Eating out and food freshness
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 March 23, 08:40:44
Given the fixation with food sims have unassisted, it's fine as-is.

Title: Re: Eating out and food freshness
Post by: tgcgoddess on 2008 March 23, 18:55:03
I thought freshness would make the BV food cart meals a better value. They're not very filling.
I understand what you mean about the restaurant meals, though.

I went into SimPE and changed the cooking skill of the Local Chefs to 10.  One had 0 cooking skill.  It did seem to help a bit.