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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Bitsy on 2008 March 22, 01:10:07

Title: Pet Warfare & Ghosts
Post by: Bitsy on 2008 March 22, 01:10:07
I imagine my own stupidity is somehow implicit in this. I have installed lesspetwarfare and everything seemed to be well. As long as my wolves considered each other pack then they left each other well enough alone and calmly sniffed and played instead of rabidly chasing each other around the lot and causing each other to run away at the least provocation. Then I installed FreeTime. Now I have two wolves who are at 100/82 and 100/85 respectively (raised via supervised & directed playtime and keeping them separated while life rel raised) and the wolf born into the family still chases his mate (the mother of his pups) like a wolf deranged. I have the most recent copy of lesspetwarfare for FT as of March 19th. I have no other hacks that affect pets or hacked objects that affect pets save for Simlogical's Dog Bath.

Oh, and it's not just his mate he chases. He has queued up to chase the ghost of his dead mother on several occasions. The mother proceeded to stop her random drifting and turn to attempt to allow herself to be chased! Thankfully she was half way into a foundation at the time so my wolf just barked that something was in his way both times and went about his business.

Another thing about my wolves, their ghosts haunt day and night. They never, ever stop haunting. Also Prima Guide, being the liar that it is, says that animal ghosts can't scare humans. That is patently untrue, my wolf ghosts scare my Sims and cause them to wet themselves all the time and since they haunt at all times this occurs day and night with no reprieve. >:( Any idea how to make them stop haunting during the day?

Title: Re: Pet Warfare & Ghosts
Post by: BastDawn on 2008 March 23, 01:57:37
Send the tombstones to a graveyeard?  Oh, and the live wolf that won't stop chasing his mate might be a very aggressive, playful pet.  What's his personality?

Title: Re: Pet Warfare & Ghosts
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 March 23, 06:17:10
Is chasing harmful? My dogs chase each other all the time. One of them is really stupid, however, and tends to forget what he was chasing and ends up chasing something else, like a couch.

Title: Re: Pet Warfare & Ghosts
Post by: Bitsy on 2008 March 23, 19:47:00
Send the tombstones to a graveyeard?  Oh, and the live wolf that won't stop chasing his mate might be a very aggressive, playful pet.  What's his personality?

Against the rules of the challenge. :( The live wolf has the same personality as all wolves do and the same personality as his mate and his parents but he is the only one that is psychotic about it. I'm guessing 'cause he's second gen.

Is chasing harmful? My dogs chase each other all the time. One of them is really stupid, however, and tends to forget what he was chasing and ends up chasing something else, like a couch.

It gives a double negative relationship hit every time. If I let them go at it they will do it again and again and again and become enemies and eventually force each other to run away. Next to Chase Challenge! and the occasional Growl pale in comparison. :( I've noticed that the dog's Play interaction often looks like Chase (they do literaly chase each other with that interaction sometimes) except there's more tale wagging and jumping about where as with the other it's just growls.

Title: Re: Pet Warfare & Ghosts
Post by: morriganrant on 2008 March 24, 03:46:24
Put up a fence, and lock the gate for pets. The dog will not run away if it can't get out.

Title: Re: Pet Warfare & Ghosts
Post by: Bitsy on 2008 March 25, 19:12:27
Thanks for the help everyone. :) I'm guessing that because the pet is second gen he just isn't affected by the hack. Ah well.

For now I have the wolves' graves on a foundation sans stairs to see if that at least keeps them off the grounds. The trouble live wolf is relegated to being kept outside where he happily chases the mail man and drives off troublesome strays. His mate and pups are being kept inside and I have a clean bot on duty to take care of wolf puddles. I'll at least have the illusion of family unity even if I can't have it in actuality. Thanks again!

Title: Re: Pet Warfare & Ghosts
Post by: gynarchy on 2008 March 25, 20:38:09
Another thing about my wolves, their ghosts haunt day and night. They never, ever stop haunting. Also Prima Guide, being the liar that it is, says that animal ghosts can't scare humans. That is patently untrue, my wolf ghosts scare my Sims and cause them to wet themselves all the time and since they haunt at all times this occurs day and night with no reprieve. >:( Any idea how to make them stop haunting during the day?

I have been having issues with my Sim and pet ghosts haunting day and night as well, almost immediately following their deaths. I just had a ghost cat scare my Servo minutes after the Grim Reaper left, as he was trying to move the grave to the pet cemetery. I have had some success sticking the grave markers in a small room with a Ghostbuster painting and leaving them to sit for a few days. I've had two ghosts so far fixed by sending them to this "time out" and am currently trying to fix a third. It may just be a coincidence but at least my ghosts are behaving like ghosts again. I quite like having a variety of ghosts around, but the endless hauntings and "wooooooo" noises of them traveling around 24/7 is too much.