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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: brilliantcat on 2008 March 20, 19:44:08

Title: Newspaper, Job Outfits, and Other Weirdness...
Post by: brilliantcat on 2008 March 20, 19:44:08
I'm having some seemingly unrelated weirdness post-FT.  I can interact with the newspaper normally except for finding a job, which my sim will initiate, sit down with the paper, and then stand up and dump the paper wherever handy without finding a job.  Find Pet Job For... is completely absent as an option.  They can read it, do the crossword, make airplanes to their heart's content.  No errors show up in debug mode, they don't "jump" out of the action, the jobs simply don't pop up.  They can find jobs through the computer without a problem.  I wondered if it was because I upgraded a CAS sim to uni status with the FFS debugger but a townie she moved in who hadn't been upgraded was similarly unable to use the paper to find a job.

Second bit of weirdness: aforementioned sim and her dude change for work and head off as normal to their shared carpool.  They have the exact same hours, and when they arrive home, both are dressed in their casual everyday wear instead of their work clothes.  WTF?  Did they change in the goddamn car?

Moar weirdness.  They get in the hottub.  Fucking ACR.  I have warmthfixes from here but it's spring and their temps go down to blue.  In the time it takes to woohoo.  Is that normal?  They're not vamps or anything, just normal sims.  I'm used to them spontaneously combusting, not turning to ice cubes.

Last weirdness, a fire started on a different lot.  It was extinguished by the family (because I was too stupid to remember a fire alarm) and all was well.  Except the maid ran everywhere while she cleaned.  When it was quitting time, she ran to her truck.  I attributed it to the pouring rain but of course sims aren't that smart.  Little Ben, the family's son, ran everywhere too.  Didn't think much of that either, he's an active kid and likes to run.  More power to him.  Anyway, maid doesn't show up the next day.  Huh.  Actually I didn't notice for three days until the house was a green stinking fly-ridden mess.  Call maid, she comes over, does her thing.  Call Evil Garden Club Lady who refuses to judge my garden because "there's an emergency on your lot".  Wuh?  So apparently there's an invisible fire or something somewhere that's making my kid and maid run all over and keeps my maid from coming back the next day.  I have NEVER seen this happen.  Tried nuking scenarios with debugger and asking for Garden Club membership again.  Same response.  Sigh.

The first three are annoyances that can be lived with for now, I'm writing a story so I'd rather not go shuffling with my downloads just now.  The last, well, I've given up on it as a corrupted lot for the moment.  I'm not actively playing that family but I'd like to prevent any recurrences.  So any ideas as to what would be causing any of this crap would be appreciated.  I wouldn't rule out tight pants, as they do look so good on me :D  I have quite a few hacks from here, all from the FT-approved directory (list available upon request), some from TJ that are FT-updated, and the business-related ones from Sim Wardrobe (all FT-updated as well).  I ran HCDU awhile back and none of the hacks affect the same things so I don't think it's a hack conflict but I'm non-awesome.  I apologize for my verbosity (JFC I just read my post), just stab me or something.

Title: Re: Newspaper, Job Outfits, and Other Weirdness...
Post by: gynarchy on 2008 March 20, 20:00:38
I'm having some seemingly unrelated weirdness post-FT.  I can interact with the newspaper normally except for finding a job, which my sim will initiate, sit down with the paper, and then stand up and dump the paper wherever handy without finding a job.  Find Pet Job For... is completely absent as an option.  They can read it, do the crossword, make airplanes to their heart's content.  No errors show up in debug mode, they don't "jump" out of the action, the jobs simply don't pop up.  They can find jobs through the computer without a problem.  I wondered if it was because I upgraded a CAS sim to uni status with the FFS debugger but a townie she moved in who hadn't been upgraded was similarly unable to use the paper to find a job.

Sounds like a hack conflict. I know you said you didn't want to pull your downloads, but you can try doing a binary search (,8576.msg242354.html#msg242354) to track down the offending hack. This method is pretty quick and you can obviously exit without saving each time so you don't mess up anything permanently.

Second bit of weirdness: aforementioned sim and her dude change for work and head off as normal to their shared carpool.  They have the exact same hours, and when they arrive home, both are dressed in their casual everyday wear instead of their work clothes.  WTF?  Did they change in the goddamn car?

This was happening to me too but in the last few rounds of hack updating it seems to have fixed itself. Have you downloaded the latest versions of the FT hacks? I was having problems with SS members not wearing their uniforms and no one showing up at Toga Parties in togas too, not sure if those are related.

Moar weirdness.  They get in the hottub.  Fucking ACR.  I have warmthfixes from here but it's spring and their temps go down to blue.  In the time it takes to woohoo.  Is that normal?  They're not vamps or anything, just normal sims.  I'm used to them spontaneously combusting, not turning to ice cubes.

It can still be cold in the Spring and can even occasionally snow. What is the outdoor temp on the lot debugger?

Last weirdness, a fire started on a different lot.  *snip* Tried nuking scenarios with debugger and asking for Garden Club membership again.  Same response.  Sigh.

Try the stuck object remover ( to nuke the invisible fire.

Edited cuz I r noob.

Title: Re: Newspaper, Job Outfits, and Other Weirdness...
Post by: Emma on 2008 March 20, 23:20:35
Visitor Controller forces sims to wear casual clothes on return home from work. Same with Toga parties, the only sims who wear the togas are the Greek House occupants. It is a slight annoyance but worth it to have the VC installed.

Title: Re: Newspaper, Job Outfits, and Other Weirdness...
Post by: brilliantcat on 2008 March 21, 08:36:11
AHA!  Thank you Emma!  I just installed VC the other day.  Now I feel less crazy.

As for the outdoor temp I honestly haven't checked it because they're actually in the hottub at the time that their temp drops to blue.  I figured the hottub would keep their temp up but that's logical and this is EAxis so go figure  ::)  I'll just keep an eye on them.

*headdesk*  I do have the stuck object remover.  I can haz use it prz.  Duh.  I will do that when I pull my head from my nether region.

I think my newspaper issue is a severely tight pants issue.  I noticed something odd in my deco > misc folder earlier while I was playing.  A newspaper.  A NEWSPAPER.  I must have downloaded a stupid non-buyable-made-buyable newspaper...  Stupid.  I will find and annihilate it.  I'm betting my newspaper weirdness will magically be fixed.

Psst gynarchy, I think you meant exit without saving >_>  Thank you both so much for your help! :D

Title: Re: Newspaper, Job Outfits, and Other Weirdness...
Post by: gynarchy on 2008 March 21, 17:30:49
I didn't know that about the VC either! The toga thing did bother me a little but it's definitely worth keeping just so I don't ever have to see another professor again.

Psst gynarchy, I think you meant exit without saving >_>

Uhhhhhhh whatchoo talkin' bout Willis?  ;) Fixed, I hate when I do that!