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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Vesca on 2005 October 27, 20:46:51

Title: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: Vesca on 2005 October 27, 20:46:51
One of my adults, after moving into her second new home (and ironically just after I installed the patch), lost all of her college-earned extra want slots and is back down to only 4.  Her hubby, however, got his extra want slots from the FFS lot debugger and managed to keep them.  I went into SimPE to see if there was anything I could do, but I'm not that familiar with the program, and of course, the FFS lot debugger won't work because she's already a college grad.  Any suggestions?

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: idtaminger on 2005 October 27, 21:26:01
2jeffs has a mod that gives them to any sim. So you could go check there. I believe it's called something like - personal electronics adjuster... or something to that effect.

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: Andygal on 2005 October 27, 21:27:38
It's called the college adjuster.

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: KellyQ on 2005 October 27, 21:29:26
I've had this happen to several of my sims as well. Thanks to rainbow's advice, I used the insiminator, spawned the aspiration object and added the want slots. Or as idtaminger said, TwoJeff's has just comeout with a hack for that.

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 October 28, 11:29:33
Mine haven't lost their want slots, but everytime former YA's move house they get yet another memory that they graduated, always with a lower degree than they actually got.  Before this only happened when they first moved after leaving college, now it happens everytime they move.  Not only do they get it, so do all their family members.  I really thought they would have fixed that in the patch, instead it's become ten times worse.  Chances are this and your problem are related somewhere along the line.

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: dusty on 2005 October 29, 10:00:46
I had this and was told it was to do with moving a sim into an empty house that hadn't been saved after installing uni (I think it was Simshost that had it happen to him and figured out that was what it was).  But I didn't find a fix and ended up not playing those sims any more.

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 29, 16:45:06
Mine haven't lost their want slots, but everytime former YA's move house they get yet another memory that they graduated, always with a lower degree than they actually got.  Before this only happened when they first moved after leaving college, now it happens everytime they move.  Not only do they get it, so do all their family members.  I really thought they would have fixed that in the patch, instead it's become ten times worse.  Chances are this and your problem are related somewhere along the line.
I went into simpe and changed that using the neighborhood memory tool when it happened to my sim. sent him back to read his diploma and  His degree read Summa Cum Laude  Like it was  supposed to instead of Magna cum laude like it read before my venture  into sim pe

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 29, 16:58:17
I'm having periodic want slot issues. I have one sim that not only lost his extra want slots, but the four that he does have are blank. Many of my upgraded pre-uni sims have lost their upgraded want slots as well. That's not that big a deal, since I can add them again with the college adjuster, but I don't know what to do with my blank-wants sim.

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 29, 17:21:35
Have any of you been using the portmanteua thingy to move furniture etc?  I had it happen to one family, they just got stuck and I had to exit the game by turning the power off,nothing else would work.  When I tried to move them into a house, one of the adults wants just kept on rolling.  I had to move them out, move them to an empty lot with no house, empty all the stuff they'd brought with them, and then finally he stopped spinning and started to move!  Then I had to do quite a few kachings so they could afford their house!

The thing from TJ is cloned from the money tree, and works great for replacing want slot, and also adds as many extra locks as you want!  It's also useful for giving them temporary use of a mobile phone, as you can take it away again when they've made the call!

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 29, 20:15:49
What is the portmanteua thingy?

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 29, 20:17:59
Where you can keep the sims things when they move - I just have a blank and can't think what it's called.

Bashes head on desk!  INVENTORY!

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 29, 20:35:53
stay things shrub?

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 29, 20:36:45
oh...INVENTORY! lol Not the stay things shrub.

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: MsMaria on 2005 October 29, 20:51:00
The Mirror of Locks and Wantings from DJSIMS will give you all the slots and up to 6 locks. I can be found at the bottom of the page. It will be in the aspiration catalog.

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 30, 00:53:14
The real problem is why it happens, I think.  There's also TJ's fix to solve the problem, but it shouldn't be happening in the first place.  I tend to think that the inventory is bugged and when you try to use it to keep more than a couple of things it just can't cope.  One of the things that started to appear after the patch was released - a pity they didn't wait a few more weeks for the Nightlife patch!   (After all, we waited six months for the Uni patch, by which time most people had already got NL!)

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 30, 01:19:02
The real problem is why it happens, I think.  There's also TJ's fix to solve the problem, but it shouldn't be happening in the first place.  I tend to think that the inventory is bugged and when you try to use it to keep more than a couple of things it just can't cope.  One of the things that started to appear after the patch was released - a pity they didn't wait a few more weeks for the Nightlife patch!   (After all, we waited six months for the Uni patch, by which time most people had already got NL!)
I tend to agree with you that the inventory is buggy as I always have to head for sim pe to correct the diplomas after my sims have moved 8)

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 30, 01:23:21
Do you move a lot of stuff?  I only tried it once, and never again!  My sims will just have  to work hard to replace their bubble blowers etc.

Maybe it would help if one saved the game after putting things in the inventory, then exited and reloaded the house and played for a while?

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 30, 01:47:35
Do you move a lot of stuff?  I only tried it once, and never again!  My sims will just have  to work hard to replace their bubble blowers etc.

Maybe it would help if one saved the game after putting things in the inventory, then exited and reloaded the house and played for a while?
the only thing I move are gifts from dates and the diplomas

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 30, 01:50:27
I do move their career rewards, even though they're easy enough to replace - but then, so are the diplomas.  But it just isn't the same!

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 30, 01:57:28
I agree that the inventory is buggy. I posted a while back that I was having chairs appear on the edge of my lots- identical to the chairs I was using for the poker tables that were sitting in my sims' inventories. The poker tables can be put in the inventory with the chairs included, and I think that has something to do with it.  I'm still having that problem, but am not complaining since I can sell the chairs. Free money!

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 30, 02:01:59
OK as long as you don't nearly lose your sims, like I did!

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 30, 02:12:47
I agree that the inventory is buggy. I posted a while back that I was having chairs appear on the edge of my lots- identical to the chairs I was using for the poker tables that were sitting in my sims' inventories. The poker tables can be put in the inventory with the chairs included, and I think that has something to do with it.  I'm still having that problem, but am not complaining since I can sell the chairs. Free money!
ROFL I get the diploma bug not the free furniture bummer

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 30, 02:27:54
It's a very bizarre thing. Even more bizarre is when I don't realize the chairs are all sitting out there until  one of my teen boys is going "Acka boog. Kee locka boog. Kee porg!" over and over because he can't get to a chair 'cause a chair is in the way.
They will insist on sitting on the one smackdab in the middle:

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 30, 03:17:19
It's a very bizarre thing. Even more bizarre is when I don't realize the chairs are all sitting out there until  one of my teen boys is going "Acka boog. Kee locka boog. Kee porg!" over and over because he can't get to a chair 'cause a chair is in the way.
They will insist on sitting on the one smackdab in the middle:

Rofl there must be 20 chairs siting there

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 30, 03:31:30
There are 4 sets of 4 chairs, if you look closely. Coincidentally, those are the same chairs I use with my poker tables, and 4 sims in that household had poker tables (along with the chairs) in their inventories. If I change the color of the chairs in any of the sims inventories, it is reflected in the chairs that appear in the street.
And, yes, my sims all clamor for the chair they can't reach. Silly sims.

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 30, 08:57:10
As I said, moving furniture is beset with problems!  I think mine got so completely bugged because i tried moving the family car too, and not just from one lot to another, but from Downtown to Pleasantview!  (Pleasantview is much nicer for bringing up kids!)

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 30, 18:57:35
As I said, moving furniture is beset with problems!  I think mine got so completely bugged because i tried moving the family car too, and not just from one lot to another, but from Downtown to Pleasantview!  (Pleasantview is much nicer for bringing up kids!)
the family car definitely has presented problems for me before when I loaded it up into the inventory  I.end up not being able to use the car in inventory and have to buy another one just to sell one of the now if Imove my sim the family car gets left behind

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: cwhitney on 2005 October 31, 08:54:23
Getting back to the original issue, I have a sim who was initially a University NPC student who moved in with her boyfriend, who had graduated from University.  She has all the bonuses of a regular graduate, the extra want slots and the ability to lock two, but she's not able to get any of the University careers.  I haven't been able to use the college adjuster or the lot debugger, and I assume this is because she has the extra slots and the ability to lock two wants.  She also has "Undeclared" as her major listed on her diploma, whereas the other few University NPC students I've moved in with adults have had majors assigned to them.

Does anyone know a fix that would enable her to browse the University careers?  I'm not looking for a hack that allows me to choose careers individually, instead just a fix that enables her to get them when she's searching for a job.  Oddly, when she looks for a job on the computer, she does not get five options when a graduate has already searched for jobs and discovered some of the University careers offered.

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 31, 12:06:51
Getting back to the original issue, I have a sim who was initially a University NPC student who moved in with her boyfriend, who had graduated from University.  She has all the bonuses of a regular graduate, the extra want slots and the ability to lock two, but she's not able to get any of the University careers.  I haven't been able to use the college adjuster or the lot debugger, and I assume this is because she has the extra slots and the ability to lock two wants.  She also has "Undeclared" as her major listed on her diploma, whereas the other few University NPC students I've moved in with adults have had majors assigned to them.

Does anyone know a fix that would enable her to browse the University careers?  I'm not looking for a hack that allows me to choose careers individually, instead just a fix that enables her to get them when she's searching for a job.  Oddly, when she looks for a job on the computer, she does not get five options when a graduate has already searched for jobs and discovered some of the University careers offered.
if you have Sim PE the undeclared is easily fixed and right there is  her problem. Undeclared might as well never have gone to Uni as Majors Must be firmly in place by the Junior year. Uni Careers are only available to Graduates with a declared Major..Go in to Sim PE  click neighborhood browser then select the neighborhood the sim lives in. it will be listed by name. after SimPE loads the selected neighbor hood go to tool open it click neighborhood a little window will open with 3 options one will be unavailable. click  sim browser. it will take a minute or tw0 for simpe to load the sim rowser . time is dependant upon how many sims live in the neighborhood which includes service people,NPC's  and townies as well as playable sims. click onthe Sims Picture that is afflicted with this problem. then click open it will take a minute but Sim PE will load the sim description for the selected sim. click the University Tab it will list the sims major how many hours are left in the semester last grade and effort. cliick  on ththe drop down tab where it says major and select the major the sim actually got the diploma for. reset grade point average if neeed be  and semester stats ie hours left if any thing more than 0 appears in semeste r 8 . commit the changes  and close SimPE  a box will pop up asking if you want to save changes made  click yes  when Sim PE is done saving the changes it automatically closes. when you re enter your game send your sim to read the diploma it should reflect the  major in it at that point rather than undeclared. and Uni careers will automatically be available at that point.

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: cwhitney on 2005 November 01, 01:04:11
Getting back to the original issue, I have a sim who was initially a University NPC student who moved in with her boyfriend, who had graduated from University.  She has all the bonuses of a regular graduate, the extra want slots and the ability to lock two, but she's not able to get any of the University careers.  I haven't been able to use the college adjuster or the lot debugger, and I assume this is because she has the extra slots and the ability to lock two wants.  She also has "Undeclared" as her major listed on her diploma, whereas the other few University NPC students I've moved in with adults have had majors assigned to them.

Does anyone know a fix that would enable her to browse the University careers?  I'm not looking for a hack that allows me to choose careers individually, instead just a fix that enables her to get them when she's searching for a job.  Oddly, when she looks for a job on the computer, she does not get five options when a graduate has already searched for jobs and discovered some of the University careers offered.
if you have Sim PE the undeclared is easily fixed and right there is  her problem. Undeclared might as well never have gone to Uni as Majors Must be firmly in place by the Junior year. Uni Careers are only available to Graduates with a declared Major..Go in to Sim PE  click neighborhood browser then select the neighborhood the sim lives in. it will be listed by name. after SimPE loads the selected neighbor hood go to tool open it click neighborhood a little window will open with 3 options one will be unavailable. click  sim browser. it will take a minute or tw0 for simpe to load the sim rowser . time is dependant upon how many sims live in the neighborhood which includes service people,NPC's  and townies as well as playable sims. click onthe Sims Picture that is afflicted with this problem. then click open it will take a minute but Sim PE will load the sim description for the selected sim. click the University Tab it will list the sims major how many hours are left in the semester last grade and effort. cliick  on ththe drop down tab where it says major and select the major the sim actually got the diploma for. reset grade point average if neeed be  and semester stats ie hours left if any thing more than 0 appears in semeste r 8 . commit the changes  and close SimPE  a box will pop up asking if you want to save changes made  click yes  when Sim PE is done saving the changes it automatically closes. when you re enter your game send your sim to read the diploma it should reflect the  major in it at that point rather than undeclared. and Uni careers will automatically be available at that point.

Yes, this fix works.  Thank you for your help.

However, the diploma doesn't have the major updated, and for some reason putting the thing back into her inventory didn't fix it.  I was able to get a new diploma with the major after deleting her first one and purchasing a second (when I had her selected) through a hacked career rewards collection.

I don't believe that the diploma reading improperly had any effect on her ability to get the new jobs, however, after I had set the major.

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 01, 01:08:06
Yes, this fix works.  Thank you for your help.

However, the diploma doesn't have the major updated, and for some reason putting the thing back into her inventory didn't fix it.  I was able to get a new diploma with the major after deleting her first one and purchasing a second (when I had her selected) through a hacked career rewards collection.

I don't believe that the diploma reading improperly had any effect on her ability to get the new jobs, however, after I had set the major.
you',e welcome. Ive had to do that before sorry I should have mentioned that you might have to purchase a new diploma

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 November 03, 20:30:16
Actually, the computer always offers five jobs, but unlike the newspaper it offers more variety in starting levels.  However, this also applies to non-graduates.  The only difference between job offers for graduates is the extra choice of careers - the starting level still depends mainly on their skill levels as demanded by a particular career, although I believe that graduating Summa Cum Laude may give them a slightly higher offer in the jobs related to their Major.  If they have no body skill points, they would still be offered the Team Mascot though!

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 04, 01:43:20
Actually, the computer always offers five jobs, but unlike the newspaper it offers more variety in starting levels.  However, this also applies to non-graduates.  The only difference between job offers for graduates is the extra choice of careers - the starting level still depends mainly on their skill levels as demanded by a particular career, although I believe that graduating Summa Cum Laude may give them a slightly higher offer in the jobs related to their Major.  If they have no body skill points, they would still be offered the Team Mascot though!
all of my college grads have started at level 8 whereas my non college grads with maxed skills have started at level 6 . I have a tendency to start my sims skilling as soon as they are toddlers  and they continue to skill til 2 days before adulthood when I send them to Uni I have only had one sim who wast maxed in skill when they left for uni  and that was a sim who needed  half a cooking point and got it  the second  day at Uni. to max all skills

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 November 04, 01:47:46
What a boring life they must have as adults - raising kids and cooking meals!  And presumably very long childhood and teenage!  Sorry, but would you have wanted to spend all your growing up time just learning stuff?

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: cwhitney on 2005 November 04, 07:41:03
Actually, the computer always offers five jobs, but unlike the newspaper it offers more variety in starting levels.  However, this also applies to non-graduates. 

Was this in response to my posting stating that my sim wasn't getting five job prospects from the computer?  I believe it was part of the bug issue I was discussing.  This is how it worked:

Sim A: College graduate with a named major
Sim B: Bugged college graduate with "Undeclared" major

If Sim B is the first sim checking for jobs that day, she gets five jobs offered, all of them pre-University careers.  However, if Sim A first checks the job offers on the computer and gets five, two of which are University careers, Sim B will only get three job offers when she looks for a job on the computer, the three pre-University career jobs.  She'll still get the icon for the last job of the five offered in the pop-up informing that no more jobs are available though.  For instance, if it's Business, Politics, Medicine, Show Business, Paranormal, she'll stop getting jobs after Medicine, but the icon in the pop-up will be Paranormal.

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 November 04, 09:19:58
I see what you mean now.  Have you tried removing your hacks to see if that clears things up?

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 04, 18:27:47
What a boring life they must have as adults - raising kids and cooking meals!  And presumably very long childhood and teenage!  Sorry, but would you have wanted to spend all your growing up time just learning stuff?
no actually my adults and YA's have ablast as  the need for skilling i gone they go down town hang out with friends and other than term papers and class assignments and going to class My YA's can have  all the fun they want and social life. a majority of my sims reach perma plat quickly and I dont always marry the adults off  right away the quickest to marry in my game are the Family sims because  many of their LTW's are simply unable to be met without marriage being quiker than I would like.MY Pop ,Pleasure,Fortune,Romance and Knowledge sims never marry right out of uni I currently have 5 sims in Uni all are PermaPlat so other than Uni requirements they are  free to goof off or do whatever takes their Fancy, I have a Romance sim who will reach permaplat with his next promotion. his only surviving child is off to uni when I enter their house next and he still has 24 days of adult hood left  .is He bored probably not he has woohooed  with 3/4 of the neighborhood women and literally dozens of hookers. his daughter is maxed in skills and is only a family sims are the ones that would have the most boring of lives as al they ever want is babies,babies and more babies and even there they have live in hired help

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: cwhitney on 2005 November 05, 06:00:26
I see what you mean now.  Have you tried removing your hacks to see if that clears things up?

I don't think it's a hack conflict.  I think it's a bug.  She was a University NPC who moved in with one of my graduates and her major was not automatically set, which it has been for other Uni NPCs I've moved in.  This meant that even though she had 6 want slots and could lock two wants/fears, she couldn't get any of the University careers to show up either in the newspaper or on the computer.  When I used SimPE to change her major, that ability was restored.

Title: Re: Adult loses college-earned want slots after moving into new home
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 November 05, 11:20:55