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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: katysails on 2008 March 16, 16:48:45

Title: Borked Game or Borked simPE?
Post by: katysails on 2008 March 16, 16:48:45
All EP's plus 2 stuff packs
Backed up game prior ro installing FT plus backed up again prior to installing new alpha version of simPE
performed clean install of new simPE

Now that we're up-to-date on that...the problem.

I made a new family in CAS and decided that I wanted them to be very short, so opened simPE. Went to the Neighborhood browser and opened up the NOO4 hood where these characters were placed. Then opened the SIM browser. ALl the SIMS showed up as usual. I edited a few things I wanted to add to their personalities and then went to Other to look at the character files. Nothing there. So I committed my changes and went to Open>EAgames<blahblah>NOO4>characters to find my subjects and sue the stretch feature to alter them. Couldn't access. So went to the simPE system check and it said there was something borked in being able to access the files and to click here and all would be right. SO I did. I went back to the Open>blahblah feature and sure enough, everything came up in teh tree and plugin just like ti was supposed to so I altered the little boogers adndclosed down. Played the game awhile and decided to do something different with one fo the characters so opened simPE again>Neighborhood>Sim browser....the popup came up with the top bar details etc but no SIMS!
I once again did the simPE system check and all the check marks came up green. So I uninstalled simPE and did another clean install but still have the same results. I am receiving no error messages. My next course of action was, since simPE had been working before these new characters,w as to assume there was something wrong with them. SO I went to the last backup and installed that in the game, replacing all the files. Still no satisfactory results. Obviously there is some problem between the two, my game and simPE, where the files are not reading. simPE is reading, however, the object files from the game. And a further note: I tried opening the sims browser for the other neighborhoods...doesn't work for them either. ANy suggestions (other than throwing out my game and starting over?) Thank you for reading this long-winded explanation. Wanted to make sure everything was covered.

Title: Re: Borked Game or Borked simPE?
Post by: Process Denied on 2008 March 16, 17:01:31
I had that happen to me and it was because I accidenty clicked a button that was close to the one I meant.  Reinstalling Sim PE didn't work till I manually deleted the Sim PE folder and then reinstalled.  If it is the same thing that happened to me then your game is fine-- it is because the pathway has been changed and Sim PE can't find it any more even in reinstall.

Title: Re: Borked Game or Borked simPE?
Post by: katysails on 2008 March 16, 18:19:37
Thanks you so very much! That fixed it! I was beginning to be afraid I was going to lose my game!

Title: Re: Borked Game or Borked simPE?
Post by: Process Denied on 2008 March 16, 19:00:00
Your welcome.  It freaked me out when it happened.  My game has 1200 character files and I have been playing it for a long time.  After that, I make a copy everytime I quit playing cause it scared me.