More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: hannahtee on 2008 March 12, 14:34:16

Title: Maxis clothing mesh gaps
Post by: hannahtee on 2008 March 12, 14:34:16
I've got a really irritating problem, and I'm hoping someone much more Awesome than I can help.  ;)

Basically, I've got gaps in some of the Maxis clothing meshes. It seems to have started with Glamour Life meshes, though not all of them. The gaps appear in CAS and in game, and are always located in the chest, back, or stomach area. It's more apparent when the sim is viewed from certain angles or when the sim moves. I have all the EP's and SP's except one of holiday packs, and my game is fully patched.

Things I have tried:
-Updating my video driver.
-Removing all CC, including hacks.
-Removing/regenerating groups.cache
-Removing/regenerating my user file.
-Complete reinstall

My system specs:
-Vista Home Premium (I know, I know, but I don't have the option of switching to XP.)
-AMD Athlon 64 x 2 Dual Core Processor 5600+ ~2.8 GHz
-3gb RAM
-Radeon X1950 Pro 256mb

This is really driving me crazy because I'm unable to use a large portion of the newer Maxis clothing and their recolors (Maxis or custom). Anyone have any ideas?




Title: Re: Maxis clothing mesh gaps
Post by: Jade on 2008 March 12, 14:42:51
I had exactly this problem myself.  It has largely cleared up after I did the following:  updated my motherboard/chipset drivers (although I have an intel board, but it could help), updated my sound drivers, which often have trouble in vista, and lastly, I run the sims 2 in a window.  This has cleared up my issues to near none (knocking on wood...I don't want the problem back....). 

I hope this helps you, I know how annoying it is.

Title: Re: Maxis clothing mesh gaps
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 March 12, 15:25:43
-Vista Home Premium (I know, I know, but I don't have the option of switching to XP.)
This is your bug right there. You can try this patch here (

Title: Re: Maxis clothing mesh gaps
Post by: hannahtee on 2008 March 12, 16:55:21
LOL, Pescado, I had a very strong feeling that this was the issue. Unbelievably, I don't really have any other major problems with Vista (yet), so I'm not sure upgrading to XP is worth the hassle for me. However, I may change my mind so I appreciate the link.

In the meantime, playing in windowed mode seems to have done the trick, so thank you Jade.  :)

Title: Re: Maxis clothing mesh gaps
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 March 12, 16:56:50
Unbelievably, I don't really have any other major problems with Vista (yet), so I'm not sure upgrading to XP is worth the hassle for me.
That's because you don't have problems *WITH* Vista. Vista *IS* the problem.

Title: Re: Maxis clothing mesh gaps
Post by: ravencrow on 2008 March 22, 23:04:15
Unbelievably, I don't really have any other major problems with Vista (yet), so I'm not sure upgrading to XP is worth the hassle for me.
That's because you don't have problems *WITH* Vista. Vista *IS* the problem.

J.M. How hard would it be for a complete pc novice to install this in place of Vista?


Title: Re: Maxis clothing mesh gaps
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 March 23, 06:18:00
Not very, if you use the "REFORMAT" procedure.

Title: Re: Maxis clothing mesh gaps
Post by: ravencrow on 2008 March 23, 06:54:25
Ok, I'll have a look at. 
Thanks J.M.


Title: Re: Maxis clothing mesh gaps
Post by: witch on 2008 March 23, 08:52:17
Hey luna 2 earth, what's this earth2luna business?

Title: Re: Maxis clothing mesh gaps
Post by: ravencrow on 2008 March 23, 11:07:48
Nonthing you should be concerned about.


Title: Re: Maxis clothing mesh gaps
Post by: Annan on 2008 March 23, 15:55:41
Then why do it?

Title: Re: Maxis clothing mesh gaps
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 March 23, 15:56:32
It's clearly some kind of hidden message for Scientologists. Knock it off, you.

Title: Re: Maxis clothing mesh gaps
Post by: ravencrow on 2008 March 24, 18:53:30
It's clearly some kind of hidden message for Scientologists. Knock it off, you.

How did you know? ;)

Thats right J.M. tell her to knock it off... :P

Title: Re: Maxis clothing mesh gaps
Post by: nekonoai on 2008 March 24, 19:08:20
I believe he was talking to YOU.  :P

Title: Re: Maxis clothing mesh gaps
Post by: ravencrow on 2008 March 25, 05:55:48
Oh my gosh! He was talking to ME?  ;D

Title: Re: Maxis clothing mesh gaps
Post by: witch on 2008 March 25, 06:03:48
I call troll.

Title: Re: Maxis clothing mesh gaps
Post by: bowrain on 2008 March 25, 06:11:09
Didn't Ravencrow's original answer was "That's my other username. Some people know me by that  name. Why? Any rules broken?" or something along the lines. Maybe I dreamed it?  ::)

Title: Re: Maxis clothing mesh gaps
Post by: ravencrow on 2008 March 25, 06:13:46
Yes, your right, thank you crystalclear.  ;D

Title: Re: Maxis clothing mesh gaps
Post by: witch on 2008 March 25, 07:48:11
Didn't Ravencrow's original answer was "That's my other username. Some people know me by that  name. Why? Any rules broken?" or something along the lines. Maybe I dreamed it?  ::)

Dunno, I just saw the edit and the 'none of your business' message. The tard rule has been broken. I still call troll, by any other name. Sounds like 'RavenCrow' can't make up what passes for his/her mind, perhaps it's lost somewhere between earth and luna. Or maybe it's closer to luna, see?

Title: Re: Maxis clothing mesh gaps
Post by: ravencrow on 2008 March 25, 08:15:54
Witch, As I see it you actually started this.
I simply asked a question, then you ask why I had ravencrow/earth2luna.

"Hey luna 2 earth, what's this earth2luna business?"

Your right I did edit it, after thinking how rude you were.
Now, your here calling me names, though you don't even know me.

Sounds like 'RavenCrow' can't make up what passes for his/her mind, perhaps it's lost somewhere between earth and luna. Or maybe it's closer to luna, see?

You know, I think my mind is doing great considering I had a stroke a year ago.
Try being a little nicer about it next time, hell, even a humorous post would be better than what I got.

Title: Re: Maxis clothing mesh gaps
Post by: witch on 2008 March 25, 09:51:18
Witch, As I see it you actually started this.
I simply asked a question, then you ask why I had ravencrow/earth2luna.

"Hey luna 2 earth, what's this earth2luna business?"
So, you asked a question, I asked a question. What have I actually started? A dialogue? Or would you prefer a fight?

You're right I did edit it, after thinking how rude you were.
Now, You're here calling me names, though you don't even know me.
S'not rude around here mate, it's just blunt. You're right, I don't know you, that's why I asked about the two weird names. This isn't a Wiccan Wonderland or Furry Freak site you know.

You know, I think my mind is doing great considering I had a stroke a year ago.
You reckon? Good onya. (I could probably find a retar-doh square for that.)

Try being a little nicer about it next time, hell, even a humorous post would be better than what I got.
Please don't start dispensing posting advice, it merely tends to irritate.

Just pause a moment to consider that you have just wandered in off the street, we don't know you from a bar of soap and the boss has already told you to knock it off. Think about it.

Unless you are a troll, of course.

Title: Re: Maxis clothing mesh gaps
Post by: ravencrow on 2008 March 25, 11:01:10
Hell, maybe it was only me. I can take things out of context now-a-days.
So I'm sorry if I was being snarky.

This poor thread looks like a mess now, lol. Lessoned learned for me.

By-the way, I'm not a troll, I'm merely acting like an dweeb these last few days.
I think J.M. was talking about the ravencrow/earth2luna, but I won't be surprised to get another from him shortly.

Thanks for helping me clear this up.

Title: Re: Maxis clothing mesh gaps
Post by: witch on 2008 March 25, 11:17:34
Oh I totally admit to being snarky. I don't apologise for hazing you though.  :P

You seem to have taken things in good part, so we'll see how we go from here.