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TS2: Burnination => Peasantry => Topic started by: gynarchy on 2008 March 11, 20:01:30

Title: Just Another Randomizer
Post by: gynarchy on 2008 March 11, 20:01:30
My husband wanted to write something in Java (I don't know why, he does things like this all the time) so I asked him to make a Sim randomizer for me that did a few things that the others I have don't do. This is a very basic text-based unpretty randomizer as he just intended for me to use it, but I thought I'd offer it to anyone else who might like it. The first option will roll for up to five badges and levels that you can assign to your Sims using the Badge Juicer. The second option rolls for turn ons and a turn off, including the newish skillz-based options. The third chooses a primary and/or secondary aspiration. There is also an option to randomize all. I didn't ask him to include personality because all of my Sims are born in-game or in rare cases, I use TJ's college adjuster to assign a random set of attributes. To use it, just unzip the folder and double-click on the .jar file. You'll need to keep the lib subfolder with it in order for the app to run. If you have any problems, let me know. Please to enjoy!